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Let Us Explore Mountain Ash and Its Uses

2019年07月17日 | 大雪山国立公園旭岳・天人峡情報

It seems the Mountain Ash is the first flower we notice as we either hike up or take the ropeway but the Chingaruma, the Kibana Rhododendron seem to steal the show. So today we'll explore the ever present Rowan or better known as Mountain Ash. 


Mountain Ash aka Rowan = ウラジロナナカマド 

Sobus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne (ウラジロナナカマド)

Height: 1-2 meters

Sub-alpine elevation zone

Leaf margen is upper half serrated

Family: Roseacea

Rowans are unrelated to the true ash trees of the genus Fraxinus, family Oleaceae.


Hikers visiting from Singapore enjoying the hike from Asahidake Onsen, skipping the ropeway. Here there ar enjoying hiking on snow for the first time.


Back to Mountain Ash aka Rowan

"Rowan is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species." -Wikipedia

" Typical white rowan flowers are followed in autumn by heavy crops of bright red berries which persist into winter. Serrated ash-like leaves turn yellow in autumn, contrasting well with the berries. Good for pollinators and birds."

- Future Forests

"mountain ash is used as an ingredient in marmalade, stewed fruit, juice, liqueur, vinegar, and in tea mixtures."



I hope this information is just a start to learning about Mountain Ash. There is much more information out there, this is just meant to be an introduction.

Best wishes in your exploration of the flora and fauna of your local areas as well!



The flowers of sugatami through the seasons (pamphlet). Taisetsuzan Nature School. Aoki, Arai, et. al 2004.

