

(english)"Invitation to hunger strike against the re-execution of a nuclear power plant Japan"

2012年04月16日 20時09分05秒 | 政治・社会
An urgent message aimed at citizens of the world by "The Tent Plaza Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Japan" which occupies for more than 200 days
a partial land of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

The hunger strike called by "The Tent Plaza Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Japan" will begin tomorrow in Tokyo at noon of April 17, 2012 until May 5, 2012
at noon.

Please therefore jointly and in solodarity participate in the hunger strike on all over the world to stop the re-execution of a nuclear power plant of "Ohi".

current situation:

One only Nuclear Power Plant on the totality of 54 in Japan which works actually is that of "Tomari" in Hokkaido Island in northern Japan.
It will stop the operation May 5, 2012 for periodic inspection.

It is inadomissible for the Prime Minister Noda and all Japanese nuclear industirues that
all Nuclear Power Plant in Japan will cease to function from the May 6, 2012.P

That's why Mr.Noda has sent his Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yukio Edano on April 14, 2012 to
Fukui Prefectural office in the region of north-west Japan to get the consent of the governor and the mayor for re-execution of
Units 3 and 4 of the Nuclear Power Plant "Ohi" without positive result.

our goal

to stop all tanetative of gouverment Noda for re-execution of a Nuclear Power Plant "Ohio" by the power of Japanese people and citizens of the world

to cease to function of all Nuclear Power Plant in Japan by the power of Japanese people and citizens of the world

to abandon all Nuclear Power Plant in Japan by the power of Japanese people and citizens of the world

participation in the hunger strike

If you wish to join the hunger strike of 24 hours, please send the informations indicated below by email
(Tentohiroba@gmail.com) or by fax (81-3-6903-5829Mr.Ishibashi)

1) your name

2) male or female

3) your Age

4) your address

5) tel

6) e-mail

7) date and duration of the hunger strike

8) place of the hunger strike

Thanks for your cooperation and your comprehennsiton.

Yasuhiko Yamazaki

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