

【English Blog】 What is the secret teachings of the Jews "The Talmud"?

2016年06月27日 16時37分46秒 | 政治・社会

【English Blog】 What is the secret teachings of the Jews "The Talmud"?
【English Blog】■ What is the secret teachings of the Jews "The Talmud"?

Hello Everyone!

My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in local time for more than 3 years and 8 months.
I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday on the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.

Please find here-after an English blog edited from the broadcast scenario of yesterday on the 26th June 2016.

【video】 51m23s


【English Blog】

■What is the secret teachings of the Jews "The Talmud"?

The Bible of the Jewish is "Old Testament" but the 5 statements of beginning, "Genesis", "Exodus," "Leviticus," "Numbers", "Deuteronomy" are so important that they are called "Pentateuch" or "Torah".

Among the laws that God gave to Moses, there were the laws that have been
conveyed in the oral tradition without being codified.

These laws that have been passed in oral tradition were documented around the 3rd century were called "Mishna."

The "Mishna" and "Gemara" which were the standards of everyday life interpreted by the rabbis make up the "Talmud" that describe how to live and that corresponds to every era and every age.

The Talmud consists of 6 parts and group documents of 63 editions.

Most major denominations of modern Judaism have recognized the Talmud as Scripture and it is said that the Talmud is the basis of life and times of the Jews.

In the large documents of "Talmud", there are problems containing ethnic exclusiveness and self-righteous thinking that cause Jewish boycott.

Some excerpts of the secret teachings of Jewish "Talmud" are below.

1.The Jewish king becomes the true pope and patriarch of the church through the world.

2.You are the main holy people of your God.Your God chose you among all people in the face of the earth and took you as his own treasure.

3.The world has been created for the only Israelis. Israel is indeed the fruit and the others are shells without fruit. Therefore, there are no nations other than Israel. Other nations are completely empty skin.

4.God said that I did not send my Prophet to the beast of the worship of the idle.I have sent him for Israel.

5.As human-being is superior to the beast, Jews are superior to other nations.

6.When all will be placed under our authority, it must begin to exhaust all people and to plunder all people.

7.God commands the Jews to take the property of Christians by fraud, by powers , by usury and by theft.

8.It is certified that the Talmud has absolute superiority to the laws written by Moses.

9.The determination of the Talmud is the living God speaking.

10.You are a human race but other people in the world are not human race,beast.

11.The commandment not to kill anyone has the meaning of not kill Israelis. It will not be valid to kill Goi (non-Jews).

12.If the Goi kills or Jews, he must take the blame, but the blame will not be taken for Jews who kill the Goi.

13. When you lend money to Goi, you must do it with the high interest.

14.The commandment to return lost items to the lost person is only to be respected pour Jews, not for Goi.

15.All assets owned by other ethnic groups should be belong to the Jewish nation. Therefore there will be no harm to take unreservedly them into the hands of the Jewish people.

16.The property of Goi is the property without owner.

17.People who takes a vow to the Goi, the thief or the fiscal agent may not take responsibility.

18.Those who teach our religion to Goi, it would be equal to kill the Jews. If the Goi has recognized our doctrines, they would kill us openly.

19.Goi when a Goi asked us if there is something written in our book to harm Goi,we must make a false vow.We must say that such a thing is not written.

20.It should not be allowed to let live the Goi who studies the Talmud and his Jewish supporter.

21.Those who sheds the blood of non-Jews are the same as those giving the sacrifice to God.


Blog ≪Hidden Truth≫



【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp

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