Jestem kim jestem

just write what I think at that time

keep walking

2006-05-29 05:38:58 | Weblog
"Run! run! run! Don't look back!"

I'm not such a tough, but maybe it's time to run without a stupid thinking.

Even if I can't run, at least I can keep walking.

No problem, I can do it.

All things depend on me.


2006-04-24 04:06:04 | Weblog
I don't know why I think only that way.
I don't know why I can't do what I should do now.

I dislike studying this language...?
No, absolutely not!

But...I feel empty.

Of course, my Polish is better than before because I started learning it from zero about 8 months ago, but now I can't feel improvement at all.

I know, it's all my fault.
Then, I've studied almost nothing in this two weeks.

Only time is fly.
I haven't thought about, it's not true.
Actually, I've always cared about it, but I didn't want to take a dim view. I didn't want to feel sad by thinking about the rest of time.

Time is not the most important thing, I know.
If it's short, everything is ok if it's full.

But, but, the existence is too big for me, especially now...
I'm fear...if it'll finish this life without changing this way of thinking and acts... I don't think in that way!!!!

Why do I feel such nervous??
Ah, maybe I just don't feel well....

Actually, I know taht I'll take up the slack because I'll not stand.
But maybe now is not the time. I am too weak to arouse myself now.

Then, will time solve this problem???
Ah, it's not a solution of my conflict!

I'm confused....what do I write...?
It's nonsense!

Foget it!

After all, I can't run away from the existence of time.
The problem is just how to talk with me about the time.


2006-02-28 08:41:42 | Weblog
I need to manage myself not to decline this passion....
I know, it's not easy, but I shold do it, should last at least until the end of June.
Then I need better motivation than now.
Can't find out it right now, but I expect the time.

In my mind

2006-02-23 04:43:08 | Weblog
Ah, I'm happy!
Though getting up early is a hard work for me, I can lead full days.
It's really great, isn't it??

I believe all are getting better.
I never doubt it because everything is in myself.

Time management

2006-02-22 02:42:12 | Weblog
I feel a day is longer than before.
I know it is because of getting up earlier in the morning.
Moreover, I got a lot of things which I have to do.
It's hard for me now, but maybe I'll be used to.

Actually, it's better because times are limited.
"How do you make time?"
It's the most important problem not only now but also in whole life.

Maybe it'll be a kind of training for me to manage time.
nn not bad.

It's time

2006-02-20 05:56:07 | Weblog
The new semester is comming.
My life will be changed completely.

I have butterflies in my stomach, but I'm afraid of nothing.
It's just a beginning for everything.

New people, new class, then, everynthing is new...
It's great, you know.

I just restart from now, I can do it.

rainy day

2006-02-09 05:43:09 | Weblog
It's rained during the day.
Actually, I don't like rain, and feel not good during rainy days.
However, it is a sign of warmth here especially in this season.
So I don't feel bad today.

But, but, I want to get sunshine after all!!!
I can't wait spring, and then summer.

what I want to read

2006-02-07 05:45:55 | Weblog
I pioneered a new cafe this evening.
It was small but wasn't noisy, and BGM was confortable.
You know, I read a novel there today, too.

However, I felt tired of such a light novel.
Those kind of novels are easy to read, but at the same time, the stories are easy to slip out of memory. It's boring, just a way of spending time.

I want to read books which puzzle my mind, more abstract or more academic one. But unfortunately, I can't get such books written by Japanese here. Maybe my choices are only two.
1: to reread books which I have
2: to read English books (or Polish books??? ...impossible!!!)

nnn,but the best way is not to read books but tolearn Polish for the exam in two weeks.... ah, I know!!


2006-02-06 07:48:02 | Weblog
I went walking around a park after a long separation.
It was cold, but just good for walking, nnn maybe around -4 degree??
I feel it's warm even though below zero because I had met with the world around -20 degree about 2 weeks ago... Oh, I don't want to recall the terrible days...

Anyway, I could feel refreshed through the walk.
It was good for me, especailly at this time.

After that, I went to a secondhand bookstore for only English books.
As the name of this shop, △assolit Books & Cafe, you can also have a cofffee here.
I love the atomosphere like small and old library.
This place makes me feel that time passes so slowly.

I bought a guide book of Easten Europe area to travel during vacations.
Actually, if I could bring more books from Japan, it was the best.
However,it's too late now. Anyway, English is much better than Polish for me :<

Then, I went to another cafe which I used to go and read a novel with cafe latte. I was so happy♪

I really really love this city. After all, this choice wasn't mistake, certainly.
I have confidence that I can love more this city and the people.
So I learn the language and study about this country greedily.
Yes, it's what I have to do during staying here.

a waste of time

2006-02-05 05:11:02 | Weblog
I got up at 12 o'clock today.
It's not so big problem because today is Saturday.

However, recently getting up around 10 or 11 has become a routine.
I know, I know, it's a waste of time. I should change this condition because the new semester will start in 2 week, and I should get up around 7 o'clock!!

After all, I had been in my room all the day.
I just did kind of housework, used internet...
It's nothing to deslike, but I always feel empty after spending time like today. I know the reason well....

Ah, Ok, I decide to go out and read a book at a favorite cafe tomorrow.
I need times to face to myself, not to waste times.