わたさん'S Club Discus



2017-01-07 19:26:25 | ディスカス

Curi_CuriSolo"the wild RT´s"(Mr.Gernot Tietze-Aqua&Pet Service"Ciao Ciao"TOKYO JAPAN)
Male CUIPEUA F1 ROYAL(Mr.Jorg Schutz Breed)
Female male Lago Solomon×Female CUIPEUA

I went to The Hikawa-jinja Shrine with my family.: Omiya Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture .

In Japan, the new year begins with the event called “hatsumoude”
It is an event that people pay their first visit to a shrine or temple to make a wish for the new year.
Most of them visit on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of January as they are off work on those days.
Although shrines and temples have some manners in common when it comes to “hatsumoude”,
we should pay attention to the differences.
Let’s look at some of those differences and what they do at shrines and temples.
here we will look at the 3 activities that people do on their “Hatsumoude”
1. “Burn the old charms and get new ones”
2. “Write your wish on Ema board”
3. “Buy a fortune teller called Omikuji”

Burning the old charms has a different meaning depending on whether you are at a shrine or a temple.
At shrines, where shintoism takes place, “Burning” means “With the help from the god of fire, the charm
goes back to the heaven”, whereas at temples, where Buddhism takes place, “Burning” means “Purifying
and sending to the heaven”It is believed that, writing your wish on the “Ema” Board and tie it on to
the designated place, your wish will come true.“Omikuji” is a fortune teller that has a wide range of
topics such as “business”, “love”,”money” and so on.

Shrines and temples represent different religions and it’s good be aware of the differences in manners
between these two.At shrines, after you throw the money in the box, you bow twice, clap twice and bow
once more again.At temples, ring the bell (if it’s allowed), light up the candle and incense, and put
your hand together without making sound(no clapping) and make a wish.The amount of the money you
throw into the box has meanings to it.If you throw 5 yens in to the box, you are wishing for a good
relationship/bond, because 5 yen is pronounced “goen”, which means ”a good relationship”Also,
throwing the money at shrines shows gratitude to the god, while, at temples, it represents your
abstinence.If you were not aware of the difference between the Japanese temples and shrines,
“Hatsumoude” might be a good opportunity to see the difference.

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2017-01-08 21:45:12
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2017-01-08 22:50:34
