Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (241)

2017-10-18 04:46:07 | 日記
18/10/2017, Wednesday, 4:46 Morning,

Miyuki got up at 4:30, and dropped off the electric board breakers, and then, she opened the window of the bath room to dry up it.

Suddenly, some guy came, and knowcked or rather hit the door of the office so violently, and then, it came back to the main house, and then, YUKARI and ALEX came to the office, and ALEX yelled to Miyuki inside the office:

"Don't dropp the breakers, you, stupid! You did it! It means all of the electric equipments would be affected. There is a pobbility of their breaking all in a body. You stupid! You should pay, in case of having broken any equipment. For example, my heater! It is related with electricity! I was obliged to restart the hearter after your breaking! In case of the equipments' breaking, you should pay all!

But you are jobless, you have no money! You can't pay, we know! You are precarious stayer! You can't give a damage on any of us, at all! You shall pay! You, stupid! "

"Oh, I remember that you stack the toilet! You did! However, what you did at first is saying, "Oh, no! Some guy did it! Not I! I was a victim! Some guy did it! I suffered so much! You, stupid! We know that you stack it all! However, you, irresponsible, you just evased, and put dirty name on others!"

Thenm YUKARI said, "Oh, we are in danger with MIYUKI. She is so dangerous. Especially, she will give a big damage on the others outside. To avoid troubles on others outside, it would be better to locked her inside the office!"

Oh, they want to catch Miyuki again! They found the reason of Miyuki's third hospitalization. Illogical, however, they decided to put all of the dirty name on Miyuki, and to dispose her instead of the Alzheimer Twins.

This is the golden rule. Replacement by some guy. Miyuki didn't stuck the toilet, and she wiped all of the unnasty result of stucking of it, namely, petit flood, and she resolved the problem of stucking, entirely, and reported it to all of others, putting the paper of explanation on the matter and of warning for the next use.

Even with this evident proofs, they chose to go wrong.

Why now at 4:30, you, Alex, are awake and with the heater lit? Too too early to get up, Alex! And he did know well how Miyuki cleaned up the toilet after the stucking, and Clare used immediately after Miyuki's cleaning up, without any problem.

All of his remarks of accusation should have done on YUKARI, not MIYUKI. Why Alex did play the role of advocate of YUKARI, entirely? Non working, just giving a damage guy MIYUKI, they put this unwelcomed name only on MIYUKI, not on YUKARI. Why he chose to do it?

Miyuki, when she opened the window of the bath room, recognized that YUKARI's light was brightly lit. Oh, she is awoken, Miyuki perceived. And then, this attacking happened.

Only electric board breaker's dropping, causes Miyuki's hospitalizaion, according to YUKARI's side. Why this dirty nasty guy is all free from any accusation, despite of her dirty dirty everyday's wrongdoings? Why only MIYUKI is always targetted to be killed, and YUKARI is out of accusation?

Maternity power or magic, probably. Alex was trained to play the role for the purpose. Thus, he played the nasty role, all against the truth.

YUKARI stack the toilet. Thus is the reason of Miyuki's accusation, in short. YUKARI is troublesome guy, however, obedient to HARUMI, thus, the main house residents chose like that.

Thus, yesterday, NAITOU came to plan the next hospitalization of Miyuki. Kyorin Versity would be fine, they decided, and waited for the suitable moment for her catch. Troublesome guy, Miyuki is now, thus, accuse her, as much as possible!

And all of the accusations were obliged to be paid by themselves. Advocate did well, yes, thus, Alex's skin bags, including. Now the disposal of them all!!!! The main house has some magical power to behave like that. Just accusation, and their preference is convenience. Thus, vanish, all in a body!!!

Locking up her, thus, we locked. They locked Miyuki, thus, they couldn't enter into the room at all!!! They were pushed away from the office room, her sacred place. Thus, even these harshed accusation, they couldn't enter into the office room. They yelled from the corredor, and the outside of the office. In public, YUKARI wispwerd to Alex the remarks above.

Who is the precarious stayer, who prolonged the stay more than 30 years? Who is the guy, who stack the toilet and left it as it was, and just said, "I am not. Of course, others! I am totally free from the accusation!" and refused to clean up the toilet for more than 30 years? Who is the guy, who continues to be precarious stayer, and pretends to be rightous substitute of mother for the kids? Who is the guy, who is warmed up by the heater at 4:30 in the morning, using precious expensive costive petroleum? Who is the guy, just thinking of "Danger and in convenience of others outside" as her priority, and wants to kill her own family member?

All accusations should be put on YUKARI, herself!!!

YUKARI threatened Miyuki, by way of Alex, and Alex accused MIYUKI, instead of YUKARI, with all of YUKARI's wrongdoings, except Electric Board Breaker's dropping.

At least, Miyuki is danger again. Kyorin guys would participate in the next catch. Then, how Miyuki behave?

Probably, they will start their wrongdoing activity after 9:00, thus, Miyuki should run away, during 9:00 to 17:00, and for her safety, probably, to 18:00 would be fine. In case of really cold frosty or snowy days, they would not start their job, and Miyuki can protect her Imperial Soldiers, yes, thus, as much as possible, she should stay outside, as summer. Be fat guy, Miyuki!

The main house is in trouble, probably. Hallusination period, presumably. Get up earlier thatn Miyuki's calculation would be the correct answer. Late riser, they put the name on Miyuki's back, and they wanted to accuse her in this line, and then, electric breker problem happened. Thus, in this line, they changed their mind.

This is how Shirakawans think on Miyuki. Alex showed an extreme example. Miyuki jut got chilled the remarks of YUKARI. Hospitalization, the locking meant. Thus, they took the key from the windowsil. They thought that they could lock her, instead of medical facilities. How stupid! She can open the door from inside! However, symbolic licking is enough, even now. We can lock you, is their message. Thus, toilet should be attacking place. Choose the toilet correctly!!!

Probably, this week special. Two years ago, Kyorin did her forced hospitalization, with total assistance of her own families. Now, the revival version. Just nasty troublesome induced the forced hospitalization of family member, in short. Japanese society and family were like that, it meant.

Just slight checking is enough for her life. Thus, Miyuki checked, and started to prepare for the next stage!!! Our world, not their one. World is ours!!! Miku HATSUNE!!!

Probably, KAKI would be fine for her military foods. In the morning, GUTS foods, and during day time, outside, and more observation on this diceasing village, which provides more and more clues of wrongdoings. Victims would be found, in every meaning!

Thus, outsider Miyuki again!!! All of them were calculated so well. They prepared for the moment. Accusation only society, and the leader was YUKARI, proved. Let's lock her, because she is troublesome for others outiside. YUKARI said like that. This is the reason of Miyuki's medical forced hospitalization.

HARUMI is deciesing now, thus, Alex played the role of HARUMI. Just slight checking is enough, and they collected Miyuki's wrongdoings as much as possible, and put all of dirty names done by YUKARI herself, without knowing who's who. Anyway, family problem, was enough for them. And they used outside system called "Medical Forced hospitalization".

They didn't want to sign on the paper, thus, her father was called to the versity hospital, and they trapped him to so so. "Only for the use of emergency. Not for this time" and next day they used the prepared document.

So quick, and easy. Thus, Miyuki decided so correctly. Before the kids' going to school is preferable, however, no place to go. Thus, at 9:00, probably. Like common workers outside.

Also Miyuki found at 4:00, the window of the toilet was locked. It was for the first time that it was locked, as far as Miyuki knows. The toilet window is always unlocked, was golden rule in the family. However, this guy locked. Some personal change happened, probably.

Probaby, the visiting card is the self preseintation of the actual satanic leader. Locking type, and wispering evilest proposal to the boss type. Oh, Bog Snag NAITOU was that type!!!

Evil Project messenger, NAITOU combined with Mad Dod YUKARI, more IGARASHI type. Self accusation is OK, thus the stacking matter was also used. Alex said it, and YUKARI kept silent at that moment. YUKARI was already known as toilet problem maker at least among Sato Family. Always, after YUKARI's use. She forgets, however, others do know well.

Even forgetful YUKARI, toilet stacking is some nasty personal event, thus, by impulse, I don't want to be heard on it, was her attitude, presumably. Thus, exists the residue of flamboyant chiken stupid YUKARI among this Big Snag Naitou version.

He liked to plan the torture project at Kyorin Versity. Always he trapped others, especially Miyuki's side, including her pupils. Thus, he oriented them to hate Miyuki, not Kyorin staff. Some of them failed like that, and the others, could survive because of this disaster or rather, trouble. They couldn't gain good job in any renoun company in Tokyo, however, they did know well that even in case of gaining, just precarious period or rather, only 3 months' trial use, in short, not to be regular members of the renoun company. 試用期間 it is called, and then, they were obliged to quit the working.

the same as Tokyo versity did on Miyuki. She was precarious regular lecturer from May, 1999 up to September, 2001. 2 years, and a bit more, because Miyuki was in Brazil, and they changed Miyuki's period, it means that they did renovation of the contract, qualified her as totally stable eternal regular worker at Tokyo Versity.

However, they fired her, with threatening with her career cutting in whole academic society, under the name of giving dirty name on her material orientator Brazilian Masato NINOMIYA, because Miyuki gave a birth to Alex in the status of single worker. In Japan, Single workers should not have kids, in every meaning, by way of adoption, or by way of natural birth giving as creature. Thus, they stopped the cycle of reproduction, or rather, P holder cutting job they provided.

Male P holders should not be hired by any renoun versity. Only H holders would be accepted. Thus, Chizuru MISAGO cut his P, to gain the position as H holder. Radicalist, in this way, however, in fact, Alzheimer confusional problematic guy, she was.

And Kusodamariko loved him so much of his non-attacking appearance. In short, inferior to me, like total relaxation giving machine, this artificial Androgenus was. Thus, wearing KIMONO in public in its working place, unnecessarily. Miyuki thought Oh 7-5-3 like formal clothing, it wears today!, when Miyuki met it in the staff room of TSUDA women's college. "Smelly! Scent of Women!" Robert De NILO!!!

Thus, Miyuki categorized it as she, from that moment. Up to the moment, rather male young Alzheimer patient in dark SARUSHI suit on Friday morning, and took so many minutes in front of the printing machine, every time he appeared. Always, "Oh, unusual! How should I do?!...Ummm....", and his saver lady Clerks popped out and with slightest secret sigh, they assisted his copying job, and explained the machine's treatment, and then, he said, "Eureka! I didn't know it, however, with your so kind explanation, I did get to know it! Thank you so much, ladies!" on every Friday. Some kind of Friday ritual, Miyuki thought. And during his staying in front of the machine, any staff couldn't use it entirely, and Miyuki delayed to the class, and explained the situation in public to her pupils, and they laught at the situation, as if "We did know well it already, Prof!" like amusing smiling they took.

Probably, some professors already said the same remarks in front of them. And Miyuki put the remark, "Anyway, yes, my responsibility. I calculated erroneously on this matter. I should have come earlier than this nasty disaster, however, I couldn't. Thus, of course, you can blame me. Yes, however, the trigger is not my side, but his side, or rather, lack of sufficient printing machines in this college."

Thus, they got relaxed. Miyuki did know well that her error including, yes. However, the system of this renoun female only versity is not so ideal as she imagined, she and her pupils thought.

Even at TSUDA, Miyuki got disaster, yes. Why? Miyuki didn't know, however, not only personal matter, rather, systematic organizational errors they have, Miyuki felt so much.

And some clues appeared gradually. They have some unsatisfaction in their belly, however, they were obliged to say so clearly to the judicial figure, scholary type. Miyuki understood that they were not dumb, however, they were refrained to inform their unsatisfactions to any of the staff of this female only versity. Strange, however, they couldn't.

Obedience only versity, they turned. Not so much, for more than 5 years at first. Existed some interesting different guys before, however, gradually, the number of this tribe reduced, and the last alademic calender year, namely, in 2016, the pupils were almost all so obedient, generally speaking, however, when Miyuki offered the chance to write their unsatisfaction or accusation on the society or some related groups, they wrote so much. They have something important to inform, Miyuki caught. Thus, Miyuki gave As on them all.

Why not? Yes, for some guys, who didn't offer any report Miyuki had required, categorized "unqualified", because of lack of requisite. Thus, all As or all "desqualified" only. Why not?

Their system was so skewed, and Miyuki was obliged to be hospitalized. Thus, no time for long long explanation of this matter. How she can provide the explanation on this matter?

Superficiality only world, Japan and some other countries turned to be. Singapore, in short. Harshest accusation for liberalists, and any degraded morality had been accepted by them all. Plano Singapore, international version, in short!

Maluf was one of the evilest politician in Brazil, and he is lebanese. Radical, and effective in short term, and then, after revealing the fact, no choice at all for this team. Desdained to be rotten and declined type. Thus, for long run project, they should be desqualified.

Two years after the medical forced hospitalization, they projected the same offer in Sato Family. Only who forgot the big event perticipated in the wrongdoing. And then, big trap for the team.

Miyuki felt so chilled by their appearance, yes. Like Route 4 faked police men's popped out situation. Yes, they are whole liars, however, they exercised the phisical power, and tried to kill and rape Miyuki in the site, they refered as "The police station". They forced Miyuki to go with them to there, and Miyuki, chilled so much, said that she was the tilular professor of a certain versity, namely "I am a worker of Kyorin Versity" and they checked the site by their private smart phone, and confirmed Miyuki's remark's truth, and they ran away.

In this case, Miyuki already cut the tie with Kyorin Staff, however, they came, and left the two proofs. One, in the morning, the visiting card of 内藤俊朗, and another, the envelope from Kyorin Versity in the evening. Why they popped out in turn? And when the envelope appeared, the visiting card was not there in the place where it was before.

Miyuki took the pictures of both, thus, it worked. With no proof, we should have worked more and more. Thus, Miyuki could ommit the excessive energy loss.

Even though, Miyuki will avoid to cut the electricity dropping, because YUKARI would claim to put her to be hospitalized in the medical facilities. Already, the two kids claimed on it, in turn. First, Clare did, to her grand father. The second, Alex to YUKARI. No third, Miyuki presumed. Thus, Miyuki can sleep well, without thinking of electricity cutting.

Rather for avoiding our team's loss, Miyuki did it, not only for her safety. however, others prefered convenience, rather Miyuki's fighting against satans. Thus, No Man's Land, in short.

Even the skin bag of Alex, satans, go to inferno!!! No space for you, satans!!! Go to Inferno, Go to INFERNO, Go to INFERNO! only. Alex heard it. And sighed. It didn't work on Miyuki, again, Auntie!!!

Satanic project, they participated under the name of DOKKIRI CAMERA, and Miyuki was obliged to be trapped, and then, no chance for them all. Satanic technic. Just a show, not a reality. Reality Show. Thus, they gained sufficient money for the participation from satanic teams, except Miyuki's side.

Thus, it worked. Miyuki provided US$30 per each massacre participation, per targetted individual skin bag, without exception. Yes, attempt including. Thus, so many MEGA units were necessary to calculate for this matter. And always, the value is provided by satans' team system. Thus, MEGA-DEATH should be paid by Satans was the system. Always Miyuki's debt should be paid by satans, and each guy could accumulate the value by participation in the massacre. Thus, each guy gained so much with this "Reality Show". Oh, Mr.Slump? No, Dr.Slump! Thus, ARARE chan???

Dr.Akene SLUMP, she is. Thus, planning the project, and exerciing the tools for realization of the project. Twice delicious by one tablet. Glico ♫

 Almont caramel, it was. And the pose was taken sometimes by Miyuki, when she felt, "Oh, I am now reaching the goal! Bolt, you lost! I won! I won!" thus, long distance runner, she was obliged to be. Two years' race, they started to say. Who believes? Only forgetful guys.

YUKARI didn't know Miyuki's hospitalization at all now. Thus, she planned for Miyuki to enter into the hospital. Oh, YUKARI has spare ability to plan such unusual project?

With some supporters' adivice. She gained the information, by way of her super power, called, dreaming YUKARI mode. She can do any super performance, when she is in dreaming. Alzheimer arrogance, for it. In reality, she is trash, yes, however, in dreaming, she is super magic power holder, who can do it as she likes!!!

She can't recognize the difference between illusion and reality. Kyorin Staff also. The same condition, they are in. Thus, no time for them all! Both Alzheimer ladies did the same wrongdoing, in short. They called to the police, they called to the versity, both, Todai and Kyorin, they called to the hoslitals as many as possible. Telephone maniacs, they were.

Exist such kind of guys, Miyuki watched on the articles provided by OMANKO journalists. And now, No Man's Land. They were considered as if they were so rightous, and impoliteness should cause death penalty. Singapore ladies. They are harsh, it was said by others. Thus, No Man's Land. They informed on their own families to earn some affection of the bosses.

They were such kind of existance, and their aim was just devastation.

Miyuki categorized that Just painting decolatively would be so much better than cutting trees. If they were not able to stop doing something, they should be absorbed in less harmful activities. Yes, painting on the useless pre-fablicated faked shop is a kind of wrongdoing, however, at least, non attacking type. Better than cutting weeds outside. Thus, good choice to compare. Some guys can't stop their wrongdoings, and in this case, changing the aim works. Beauty would be fine, rather than attacking. Thus, nail paintings or cosmetics would be fine for chamber type.

However, this morning, Miyuki found a nasty result. Some guy cut the precious SHAKUNAGE tree, at the south east courner of the main house. Big fat round type, and in spring, they produced pretty white flower filled with strong good smell, which was similar to Jasmine. Thus, we called it Japanese Jasmine. And satans did big cut...Only 5% of the twiggs were survived. The rest was left in the south courtyard. "I will kill you, Miyuki!" was their last message.

Miyuki got shocked, however, she did the correct attitude. She pledged the revenge, as always, and took the pictures of the tree cut, and the cut twigs in the south courtyard. They were savers of the kids, and they monitored their wrongdoings. Thus, witnesses, they are. Thus, they suffered so much.

Rough cut, as usual, and in the midnight, it was done. Miyuki never heard the sound of cutting during night. It was done, when she was sleep well. Thus, before 4:30, they did. Last night, she went to bed earlier than usual, and they took advantage of it.

Probably, JUDO guy was killed like that. Her team mates was obliged to return from the campus earlier than usual, and she was forced to fight agaist the Kyorin satans, lonely, by herself. Concealed by only male guys, she fought well, and gained a lot of contemptious rumours including rapist attackings...However, she was obliged to put up with the nasty rumours, because Miyuki just wanted to say "They were so evil up to do such tremendously contemtious attacking", indifferent from her virginity...

Don't worry, we are safe. However, how nasty to hear such contemptious rumours. In short, "Wild Sward worriar in fudal area chases at night in the gymnastic hall in the Kyorin Campus" was the rumour, told by Midori ARAKAWA, by way of KINDAICHI, the third generation of Scholary Family composed by Haruchiko KINDAICHI, Kyouseke KINCAICHI, and him. Old plain guy with wavy semi-bold head with round circle glasses, was his impression. Always in tailored rather rural fat suits, in brown check type. Contry boy like old city rich boy, was Miyuki's impression. SEMI-BOKE, in short. As old as his age, was Miyuki's impression. Not promissive, however, famous on TV quiz program, and he failed so much in the puzzles. Thus, a kind of piero performer, Miyuki thought. And at least, not arrogant, as others, was Miyuki's impression on him.

However, he participated into the satanic rumour believing team. Scholar believes it? Or just transmittor of Pupils' rumour, with some basic knowledge on this case?

Just like normal mode. We will attack her, in the softest way. OK, YUKARI, was their instruction. Thus, see you, and later, see you in this plog!!! Rightous Brothers only world, we should realize!!!

VANISH! DDMs! You are so slow stupid ugly cruel bitch snag satans!!!
