Travel Around the World

Travel Around the World

it has been best

2013-07-05 17:45:42 | emotion

i wouldn't want to go back and relive this past year..
but it's like i see the hard of it now wrapped up with strings of thanks all around too~
it has not been easy. but it has been bestfurniture storage.

there were days i think we both wondered if we would weather it.
or, atleast come out weathering it together. yes, at times it was really that bad.

and maybe we would have reached this point...
this point of breaking. of so desperately needing Him had we stayed in cincinnati -
but, i think in our comfort and familiarity there's a slow fade we don't always recognize that can happen in our lives.
until we wake one day and wonder who this is in our bed next to us..
or why our grown children want nothing to do with God company registration Hong Kong.

because, maybe, maybe in our comfort we're just not aware of our real needs.
trials surface things we might not even know are there.
and we're forced to figure out what we believe. and not just what, but why Cable manufacturer?
that's what happened here..

we've been snapped to attention with areas that were there all along,
only.. and i'm not sure the right words are, we didn't see, as much as, we didn't want to.
but when all is ripped from you and you feel spiritually exposed for who you really are, there's no hiding.

i'm not sure i'll ever fully know how to truly know the will of God.
what that actually means, other than some canned sunday school answer~
all i know is when your world is shaken, you discover the only thing that cannot be.
and He has been our Rock and shelter and is rebuilding in our lives from what i feel is the ground level..

our marriage. our children. our home. our finances. our dreams. and yes, our faith.
and though it still feels hard. the hammering of lessons at times seems never ending..
without a doubt, i can say it is worth it亞洲知識管理學院.

