

2017-06-04 21:12:40 | 日記


tell application \"Safari\"
	tell document \"在版ポジG 見える進ちょく\"
		set fm_tuki to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id01\').value;\"
		set fm_keikaku to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id02\').value;\"
		set fm_1c to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id03\').value;\"
		set fm_2c to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id04\').value;\"
		set fm_kanryo to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id05\').value;\"
		set fm_zaiko to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id06\').value;\"
		set fm_yotei to do JavaScript \"document.getElementById(\'id07\').value;\"
	end tell
end tell

set jisseki_tuki to fm_tuki --\"6\" --月
set seisankeikaku to fm_keikaku --\"4500\" --生産計画
set kanryou_ph to fm_kanryo --\"1200\" --完了ph
set kanryou_ph_graf to (kanryou_ph div 8) as string --完了phグラフ
set ato_ph to seisankeikaku - kanryou_ph

set ato_ph_graf to (ato_ph div 8) as string --あとphグラフ
set keikaku_1c to fm_1c --\"3000\" --1c
set keikaku_4c to fm_2c --\"1500\" --2c

set tasseiritu_tassei to ((round (kanryou_ph / ato_ph) * 100)) as string --(円グラフ達成)
set tasseiritu_nokori to (100 - tasseiritu_tassei) as string --(円グラフ未達成)
set zaiko to fm_zaiko -- \"1200\" --在庫
set nyuukouyotei to fm_yotei --\"120\" --予定
set kousin_jikoku to do shell script \"date \'+%Y.%m.%d %R\'\" --\"2017.6.7 13:50\" --更新日

set html_soce to \"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\\\"ja\\\">

<meta http-equiv=\\\"Content-Type\\\" content=\\\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\\\">
<title> 在版ポジG 見える進ちょく</title>

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h1 {
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/* 上部と左側の線のみ非表示。下部と右側は残っている */
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 canvas {
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<div style=\\\"background-color: #008CF8; width: 1030px;  height: 44px; font-size: 30px; color: #ffffff; font-family: sans-serif;\\\">&nbsp;<b>在版ポジG&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;見える進ちょく</b></div>

<h1>\" & jisseki_tuki & \"月の進行状況</h1>


<table border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\">
うさぎ画像 W=30 H45
旗画像 W=46 H45
<tr valign=\\\"bottom\\\">
<td align=\\\"right\\\" colspan=\\\"2\\\" width =\\\"30px\\\"><img src=\\\"./img/usagi_sm.png\\\"></td>
<td> </td>
<!-- <td><img  src=\\\"./img/hata.png\\\"></td></td> -->

<!-- グラフ -->
<tr valign=\\\"bottom\\\" height=\\\"8px\\\">
	  <td  div style=\\\"width: 30px; border-bottom: 2px dashed #008CF8;\\\"></td>
	  <td div style=\\\"width: \" & kanryou_ph_graf & \"px; height: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; background-color: #008CF8;\\\"> </td>
	  <td><div style=\\\"width: \" & ato_ph_graf & \"px; height: 2px; margin-bottom: 0px; background-color: #008CF8;\\\" </div></td>
 <!-- 数値 -->
 <tr valign=\\\"baseline\\\" align=\\\"right\\\" style=\\\"font-size: 13px; color: #008CF8; font-family: sans-serif;\\\">
	 <td width=\\\"30\\\"> </td>	
	<td cellspacing=\\\"2\\\" width=\\\" \" & kanryou_ph_graf & \"px\\\" height=\\\"8\\\"> <em style=\\\"font-size: 14pt;\\\"> \" & kanryou_ph & \"</em><br>	<i>Ph	</i>

<td cellspacing=\\\"2\\\" width=\\\"\" & ato_ph_graf & \"\\\" height=\\\"8\\\"> あと<em style=\\\"font-size: 14pt;\\\">\" & ato_ph & \"</em><br>	<i>Ph	</i></td>



<table cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"\\\" width=\\\"1030px\\\">

<tr align=\\\"center\\\" >
		  <td td rowspan=\\\"2\\\" style=\\\"color: #008CF8;\\\"><em style=\\\"font-size: 40pt;\\\">\" & seisankeikaku & \"</em>&nbsp;<i>Ph</i> <br> 1c=\" & keikaku_1c & \"<i>Ph</i>/2c以上=\" & keikaku_4c & \"<i>Ph</i></td>

	 <td> <canvas id=\\\"canvas1\\\" width=\\\"120\\\" height=\\\"120\\\">  </canvas></td>
	  <td rowspan=\\\"2\\\" style=\\\"color: #008CF8;\\\"><em style=\\\"font-size: 40pt;\\\">\" & zaiko & \"</em>&nbsp;<i>Ph</i></td>

		  <td rowspan=\\\"2\\\"><em style=\\\"font-size: 40pt;\\\">\" & nyuukouyotei & \"</em>&nbsp;<i>Ph</i></td>


<tr align=\\\"center\\\">
	 <td style=\\\"color: #008CF8;\\\"><em style=\\\"font-size: 20pt;\\\">\" & tasseiritu_tassei & \"</em>&nbsp;%</td>

<tr align=\\\"center\\\">
		 <td colspan=\\\"4\\\" class=\\\"td-css11\\\"></td>

<tr align=\\\"center\\\">
	<td> <b>計画</b></td>
	 <td> <b>達成率</b></td>
	 <td> <b>在庫</b></td>
	 <td> <b>入稿予定</b></td>



<table cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"\\\" width=\\\"1030px\\\">

<tr align=\\\"center\\\" >
<input type=\\\"button\\\" value=\\\"更新\\\" onclick=\\\"location.reload();\\\" style=\\\"border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#008CF8; background:#FFFFFF; font-size:10pt; color:#008CF8\\\"/>

<tr align=\\\"center\\\" >
<td>\" & kousin_jikoku & \"

<tr align=\\\"center\\\" >
<td style=\\\"color: #008CF8;\\\"><br><br>製造部|業務開発担当


	  <script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\">
    (function() {
      var canvas1 = document.getElementById(\'canvas1\');
      var datas = [
	   [\" & tasseiritu_tassei & \", \'#00A0E9\'] ,  [\" & tasseiritu_nokori & \", \'#eeeeee\' ]
      var pieChart_opts = {
        center_x: canvas1.width/2, 
        center_y: canvas1.height/2,
        r: canvas1.width/2
      pieChart(canvas1, datas, pieChart_opts);
      function pieChart(canvas_obj, datas, opts){
        var c = canvas_obj.getContext(\'2d\');
        // circle
        var pos1 = 0;
        var pos2;
        for(var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++){
          circle(c, datas[i][0], datas[i][1], opts);
        function circle(context, ratio, color, opts) {
          context.moveTo(opts.center_x, opts.center_y);
          pos2 = pos1 + ratio/100 * 2 * Math.PI;
          context.arc(opts.center_x, opts.center_y, opts.r, pos1 - 0.5 * Math.PI, pos2 - 0.5 * Math.PI, false);
          context.fillStyle = color;
          pos1 = pos2;
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\\\"JavaScript\\\">

set the clipboard to html_soce

do shell script \"pbpaste |  iconv -f SJIS -t UTF8 > ~/Desktop/zaihan_shinchoku/zaihan_shinchoku.html\"
do shell script \"open ~/Desktop/zaihan_shinchoku/zaihan_shinchoku.html\"


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">
<title>在版ポジG 見える進ちょく</title>

<h3> 在版ポジG 見える進ちょく 入力フォーム</h3>

<form method=\"post\" action=\"CGIのURI\">
1.対象月:<input id=\"id01\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_tuki\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br>
2.計画:<input id=\"id02\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_keikaku\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br>
3.1c:<input id=\"id03\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_1c\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br> 
4.2c以上:<input id=\"id04\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_2c\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br>
5.完了Ph:<input id=\"id05\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_kanryo\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br> 
6.在庫:<input id=\"id06\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_zaiko\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br> 
7.入稿予定:<input id=\"id07\" type=\"text\" name=\"fm_yotei\" size=\"20\"  value=\"\" /><br> 



