Let it be -ケンブリッジMBA日記-


交渉術 その2

2006-05-11 07:26:45 | MBA生中継
昨日ご紹介したNegotiation Skillsの授業ですが、予想通りの面白い展開になりました。






The Negotiation Skills class was quite interesting as expected.

My role as Labour Union is simply to ask for 100% union members' employment. However, Governor and the development firm didn't agree with us but tell us immigrants' employment is also necessary. (I guess local people's employment should be priotized.)

Therefore, we compromised as Union quota of 1:1 in which union members would be employed more than 50%. This makes us to negotiate more in other issues such as industry mix which is coming to the new site and the amount of goverment loan which the development firm borrow. (We cannot vote the project unless we acquire more than 50 points in this system.)


The trickiest thing was the role of Other Ports. Their basic position is to get the maximum compensation to minimize the loss from the new port. However, it turned to be that after the game their real objective was to intercept the project itself, so that they get the maximum points!

That's why I was quite impressed with the high quality of this game. (Looks like a case used in Harvard Law School.)

My negotiation style today was, mataphorically speaking in shogi like y-46san did, to accumulate points throughly and to approach with と金 step by step. I wish I could make such a negotiation as getting 金 with sacrifice of 飛車 someday...

