Dirty Cheater ! JPPM

Japan Playstation Playing Manual/ Pcsx2 秘技コード/ CheatEngine

THE タクシー2 ~運転手はやっぱり君だ!~

2008-01-22 23:47:13 | プレステ2 秘技 コード

SLPS-20478 THE タクシー2 ~運転手はやっぱり君だ!~ SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.109

F0100364 0015473B

Sale amount 99999990 Yen
2018BDCC 05F5E0F6

Entire sale amount 99999990 Yen
2018BD98 05F5E0F6

Rent running fee 100 ten thousand Yen
201B1228 000F4240

Restriction time it does not decrease
20129F94 00000000
2012A100 00000000

Business hour advance stop
D01B199C 0000FFEE
20103F80 00000000
D01B199C 0000FFBE
20103F80 25EF0001
* At the SELECT + top time stop, with the SELECT + bottom time advance.

The reputation highest
1018BE0A 0000015E

In item equipment picture all the item procurement
201046AC 35C20001
201046B0 A1E2017C
* It enters into the item equipment picture of the car shop.
* As for car shop, appearance after the 5th day.

Similar item repetition equipment possibility
20137F90 1000FFF1
D01B199C 0000FF7E
20104A60 00000000
D01B199C 0000FFDE
20104A60 A1CF000C
* With the SELECT + left repetition ON, with the SELECT + right repetition OFF.
* In repetition ON state, the item of similar type can be equipped plural. Case we would like to cancel, please do again to select the equipment item turning to a repetition OFF. The similar item other than the item which it selects comes off. There are also some where, the effect such as body color and horn does not overlap.

The turbo booster it does not decrease
0018BF29 00000003

During option doing business BGM all the selective possibilities
20134230 00000000
* Only during code using validity.

Business log book, scenario achievement ratio 100%
2018BF38 00010001
2018BF3C 00010001
2018BF40 00010001
2018BF44 00010001
2018BF48 00010001
2018BF4C 00010001
2018BF50 00010001
2018BF54 00010001
* Achievement day is all 1st days.




コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Unknown)
2008-11-02 01:49:02
SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.109 THE タクシー2~運転手はやっぱり君だ!~

F0100364 0015473B

2018BDCC 05F5E0F6

2018BD98 05F5E0F6

201B1228 000F4240

20129F94 00000000
2012A100 00000000

D01B199C 0000FFEE
20103F80 00000000
D01B199C 0000FFBE
20103F80 25EF0001

1018BE0A 0000015E

201046AC 35C20001
201046B0 A1E2017C

20137F90 1000FFF1
D01B199C 0000FF7E
20104A60 00000000
D01B199C 0000FFDE
20104A60 A1CF000C

0018BF29 00000003

オプション 営業中BGM全選択可能
20134230 00000000

2018BF38 00010001
2018BF3C 00010001
2018BF40 00010001
2018BF44 00010001
2018BF48 00010001
2018BF4C 00010001
2018BF50 00010001
2018BF54 00010001

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