Dirty Cheater ! JPPM

Japan Playstation Playing Manual/ Pcsx2 秘技コード/ CheatEngine


2007-11-21 05:57:43 | プレステ2 秘技 コード


F0100208 0011C60B

Battle Only :

Strategy map Charactere 1 HP9999/9999
10ED7FFC 0000270F
10ED8000 0000270F

When magical experience it is worthy of procures magical level max.
20172AFC 2407270F

Friend HP largest maintenance
20173160 8DE100BC
20173164 ADE100C0
20173168 1000001B
2017316C 0000782D

Charactere 1 MP 9999 (code by touffu)
10ED8008 0000270F
10ED800C 0000270F

Stats 999 (code by touffu)
40ED7FD4 00050001
03E703E7 00000000

P1 MOV.15 (code by touffu)
10ED8016 0000000F

Magic Select (code by touffu)

slot 2
10ED8040 000000xx
slot 3
10ED8042 000000xx
slot 4
10ED8044 000000xx
slot 5
10ED8046 000000xx

xx=digit 01,02,03 ...

Battle item selection (code by touffu)

slot 1
10ED807E 000000xx
slot 2
10ED8080 000000xx
slot 3
10ED8082 000000xx
slot 4
10ED8084 000000xx
slot 5
10ED8086 000000xx
slot 6
10ED8088 000000xx
slot 7
10ED808A 000000xx
slot 8
10ED808C 000000xx

xx=digit --->
01 - null
02 -hp+100
03 -hp+200
04 -hp+300
05 -hp+400
06 -hp+500
08 ...
09 ...
0A ... to FA (cure ring 9999)

Charactere 2 HP/MP 9999 (code by touffu)
10ED81B0 0000270F
10ED81B4 0000270F
10ED81BC 0000270F
10ED81C0 0000270F

Stats 999 (code by touffu)
40ED8188 00050001
03E703E7 00000000

MOV. 15 (code by touffu)
10ED81CA 0000000F

Battle item selection (code by touffu)

slot 1 (FA = cure ring 9999)
10ED8232 000000FA

Magic Select (code by touffu)

slot 1
10ED81F2 000000xx

Charactere 3 HP/MP 9999 (code by touffu)
10ED8364 0000270F
10ED8368 0000270F
10ED8370 0000270F
10ED8374 0000270F

Stats 999 (code by touffu)
40ED833C 00050001
03E703E7 00000000

MOV. 15 (code by touffu)
10ED837E 0000000F

Battle item selection (code by touffu)

slot 1 (FA = cure ring 9999)
10ED83E6 000000FA

Magic Select (code by touffu)

slot 1
10ED83A6 000000xx


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