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Computer News/メモ, 06/02/15

2006-02-15 | Computer_News
"IBM upgrades Power5+ to 2.2GHz", February 13, 2006
 "IBM plans to announce several new Unix servers Tuesday, including a midrange
  p5 570 system with faster Power5+ processors running at 2.2GHz."
 IBM社のプレスリリース等は見当たりませんが、米国 p5 570の Web
  IBM System p5 570 Specifications
  には 2.2GHzプロセッサが記載されています。SPEC (CPU2000) 情報はまだです。
  SPARC64 V(V+?)(2.16GHz)も抜かれてしまいました。
 富士通 UNIXサーバ PRIMEPOWER (プライムパワー)
  "[2月14日] アナリストレポート:「SPARC'S Still Going Strong」
   By Kevin Krewell, Microprocessor Report"
  "SPARC’S Still Going Strong",
   Kevin Krewell, Microprocessor Report, November 14, 2005

"ENIAC--monster and marvel--debuted 60 years ago", February 13, 2006
 今年 (2006年) 2月 14日は ENIAC登場から 60年です。
 ENIAC Museum Online (Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania)
  Celebrating 60 Years of Computing 1946-2006

"Swedish vendor enhances FPGA supercomputing platform", 02/13/2006
 "Mitrionics Inc., a Swedish provider of FPGA programming tools, announced new diagnostics
  and optimization features for its Mitrion Software Development Kit to facilitate faster
  development times through troubleshooting, debugging and optimizing Mitrion processor
  designs prior to FPGA synthesis."
"Mitrionics Enhances FPGA Supercomputing Platform with Diagnostics and Optimization Features", February 7, 2005

"Bush may end federal tech funding program
 Program for high-risk IT projects is at high risk of elimination", FEBRUARY 12, 2006
 "A federal program that funds “high-risk” technologies is at high risk of going out of business
  if Congress approves President Bush’s proposed federal budget for next year.

  Since it started awarding grants in 1990, the Advance Technology Program (ATP) has distributed
  some $2.2 billion in funding to projects focusing on a range of subjects, including information
  technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology and advanced materials."
 "The Bush administration is recommending, however, a 24% increase in the NIST budget for
  its core programs, from $431 million to $535 million. The increased spending would go
  toward information security, an area where the NIST's work has an impact."

NIST Advanced Technology Program

関連 Web記事を思い出しました:
"NIST to Focus on Research Initiatives for President's Innovation Agenda", Feb 07 2006

Department of Homeland Security: DHS (正式名称) との絡みかもしれない。
"Homeland seeks budget boost for IT infrastructure improvements", 02/07/06
 "The White House is seeking a 21.2 percent increase in the IT budget for
  the Homeland Security Department in fiscal 2007, bringing the total to $4.41 billion,
  according to budget documents released by the Office of Management and Budget."

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2007
一般教書演説では基礎研究にも力を入れるように言っていたはずだけど、Homeland Securityには・・・

"Linux Networx Announces Largest Supercomputing Order in the Company’s History", February 13th, 2006
  "...announced today that the Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing
  Modernization Program (HPCMP), has placed the largest single order for Linux Supercomputers
  in the company’s history."
  Army Research Laboratory Major Shared Resource Center (ARC MSRC): http://www.arl.hpc.mil/
   Advanced Technology Cluster Supercomputers: 3
     68cores, 7 TB
     "Interconnects and file systems are critical to what we do, the availability of a smaller
      advanced development system will ensure our users a positive first experience
      when they get onto the larger production machines,"
      やはり File systemを重視しています。
    1122-compute nodes: Intel Dempsey (3.2 GHz) = 4488cores => 28.7 TFLOPs.
    28-login nodes: Intel Dempsey (3.46 GHz) = 112cores
    9.4TB of Memory
    260TB (Total raw)
    Infiniband: 4X DDR (20 Gbps) with 10 GigE uplink
    842-compute nodes: Intel Dempsey (3.2 GHz) = 3368cores => 21.5 TFLOPs.
    24-login nodes: Intel Dempsey (3.46 GHz) = 96cores
    7.1TB of Memory
    196TB (Total raw)
    Infiniband: 4X DDR (20 Gbps) with 10 GigE uplink
   LS-1 Supersystems: 1
    64 node scientific visualization supercomputing cluster
    Dual Nvidia Quadro FX 4500 cards per node
  Dugway Proving Ground (Dugway実験所)
   LS-1 Supersystems: 1


