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Project Deep Blitz: COTS Deep Blue by AMD Opteron

2006-01-27 | SuperComputer
市販されている Dual-core AMD Opteronマシンを使って、
IBM Deep Blueに匹敵するチェスマシンを構築するプロジェクトです:

"Project Deep Blitz: Chess PC Takes on Deep Blue", January 26, 2006
 By Ron Herardian, Global System Services Corporation (GSS)
 "This year, my company, Global System Services Corporation (GSS), an Advanced Micro
  Devices Solution Provider based in Mountain View, California, sponsored a research project
  (Project Deep Blitz) to determine whether current 64-bit 86–compatible processors
  could be used to build a chess computer equivalent to IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer
  using off-the-shelf parts from AMD and affiliated vendors."

Deep Blitz:ボックスあたり
  Motherboard: Tyan Thunder K8SE
  Dual-core AMD Opteron model 275: 2.2GHz × 2
  4GByte Main Memory: PC 3200 Kingston HyperX DDR 400 ECC SDRAM
  ATI Radeon X1800 CrossFire, Creative Labs Audigy 2 ZS
  RAID 0+1 array using four 7200.7 RPM Seagate Barracuda 160GB
 Chess Engine: Deep Fritz 8 Multiprocessor Version, ChessBaseUSA
  Multithreaded commercial chess packages
  Windows用 32-bitアプリケーション
  Multiprocessor版は 2006年の第二四半期を予定
 Operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition

Deep Blue
 IBM RS/6000 SP: 32nodes (30nodesという文献もあります)
  Power Two Super Chip(P2SC): 135MHz/node
 Chess Engine:
   ASIC:0.6-micron Tree-Metal-layer CMOS (5-Volt)
      1.5 millions transistoras: 1.4cm x 1.4cm
      Chip cyle time: 40 - 50 nanoseconds
      消費電力:約 1 Watt
   8 Chess Chips/board × 2/node
   => 521 Engines
    ☆ただし文献によって、256(IBM Research Deep Blue) ~ 512と異なります。
   C言語 + Message Passing Interface (MPI)
 Operating system: AIX
 => 200 Million positions per second when searching for the optimum move

Deep Blitz:
 "FritzMark": Deep Fritz付属ベンチマーク
 => 4.55 Million positions per second(Deep Blueの 2.275%)
  ☆チェスエンジン ソフトウェアがマルチプロセッサに対応していないので、
   計算では、24台で Deep Blueを上回れるだろう(そんなに単純かなぁ???)

IBM Research Deep Blue:

"Chess Hardware in Deep Blue",
 Feng-Hsiung Hsu, Microsoft Research Asia,
 Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE), January/February 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 1).
  これは最新情報と思います。CiSEのこの号は "Special-Purpose Computing" の特集です。
  東京大学 牧野先生ご自身による GRAPEプロジェクトの紹介もあります。
"Deep Blue",
 Murray Campbell, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, A. Joseph Hoane, Jr., Sandbridge Technologies
 and Feng-hsiung Hsu, Compaq Computer Corp.(この時点での所属),
 Artificial Intelligence, Volume 134 , Issue 1-2 (January 2002).
"IBM's Deep Blue Chess Grandmaster Chips",
 Feng-hsiung Hsu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center(この時点での所属),
 IEEE Micro, March/April 1999 (Vol. 19, No. 2).
  この号は Real Products, Real Technologyの特集です。
  IBM's S/390 G5 Microprocessor, Alpha 21264, AMD 3DNow!等
"Deep Blue's Hardware-Software Synergy",
 Scott Hamilton and Lee Garber, Editor for IEEE Computer,
 IEEE Computer, October 1997 (Vol. 30, No. 10).
"Bluer than blue: how IBM managed it",
 David Clark, IEEE Concurrency, July-September 1997 (Vol. 5, No. 3).
"Collaborative Intelligence: The Internet Chess Club on Game 2 of Kasparov vs. Deep Blue",
 Tim McGrew, Western Michigan University,
 IEEE InternetComputing, May-June 1997 (Vol. 1, No. 3).
  IBM Chess Web Site構成図あり
"Deep Blue system overview",
 Feng-hsiung Hsu, Murray S. Campbell and A. Joseph Hoane, Jr., IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Supercomputing, 1995.

"Lessons Learned from Deep Blue Lead to New Computing Approaches", October 24, 2002
 "IBM recently donated part of Deep Blue to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History
  where it will be on display beginning tomorrow, October 25, as part of the permanent exhibition,
  "Information Age: People, Information and Technology.""
 基板の一部は IBM Watson Research Centerの Hawthorneキャンパスにも展示してあります。

IBM Deep Computing Institute:

 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
 Bruce Pandolfini (著), 鈴木 知道 (翻訳),
 河出書房新社, 1998/10, ISBN: 4309263534.
"カスパロフ対スパコンのチェス勝負に疑惑を投げかける映画", 2004年12月14日


