徒然なる日々(A Monotonous Life in Japan)

日々の出来事や想い、喜びや悲しみ(Daily happenings, feelings, joys & griefs)

散歩道の薔薇花壇(Flowerbed with roses in a walkway)

2017-06-10 18:22:50 | 雑感

Partly in view of keeping in good shape, I am taking a walk when I have time. At a roadside I frequently walk through, there is a splendid flowerbed with a variety roses. It is a narrow but long flowerbed alongside a waterway with various, well-tended roses in full bloom in the season, making the walkway favorable of many neighborhood people. It reminds me of the lots of works and efforts of volunteers who are tending this flowerbed.

撮影:2019年6月1日(June 1, 2019)

Roses are fresh and lively after the rainfall.

撮影:2019年6月1日(June 1, 2019)

