徒然なる日々(A Monotonous Life in Japan)

日々の出来事や想い、喜びや悲しみ(Daily happenings, feelings, joys & griefs)

飛蚊症 (Eye floaters)(2)

2017-08-03 22:38:55 | 雑感


Eye floaters(2)

After waiting for another 30 minutes and having checked the effect of the eye drops to delating the pupils, I was finally called in for detailed clinical examination by the doctor (ophthalmologist). I believe the contents and procedures for funduscopic examination are the same or similar at any eye clinic, but the direct inspection of the ocular fundus (real time, visual inspection by the ophthalmologist) was my first experience. On each of right and left eye with the pupil being dilated by the eye drops, the doctor visually examined directly into the eye by radiating sharp light into the eye. I was instructed to place my face on a fixture firmly, and to watch left side for inspection, then to watch upper left side, upper side, upper right side, right side, lower right side, down side, and lower left side, total 8 positions to cover the whole area of the ocular fundus. Then fundus photograph was taken on each of the ritht and let eye.

After the examination, the doctor explained the medical condition of my eyes. He told me that no abnormal conditions are observed on my right eye. There are signs of cataract, but not progressed to the level of immediate concern. As to the eye floaters, the doctor ascertained that there is no abnormality on the ocular fundus, and therefore, no need to worry about. The doctor indicated, however, that he is rather concerned on my left eye in which the signs of macular degeneration are observed. He explained the medical conditions by referring to the fundus photographs of my left eye. He said that he may prepare a letter of recommendation for detailed examination at a major hospital as he thinks it better. I left the clinic after having received a subscription for eye drops and an appointment for the next medical treatment in about a month.