

Thank you mail ☆

2016-10-15 13:09:03 | 日記

Dear Mr.ホストファーザー,

Hiyori came back to Japan in this morning!
I appreciate all your support during her stay in Marseille.

She told me a lot of things about her Marseille’s days with many pictures she took..
I guess the moment she spent there was a wonderful and a precious memory for her.

She said to me
“Papa and Ingrid were very kind to me and お友だち!
Ingrid could speak Japanese very well.
So I could communicate with her easily.
I didn’t want to go back to Japan.”
“Oh! You were very lucky because they were so kind.
Did you miss me?”
“No! Not at all. Mama!”

Now she is sleeping.
She never slept at all through the flight from Marseille to Osaka.
And after coming back home,she didn’t sleep because she was so excited.
She kept awake for more than 30hours!

Please say thank you to Miss Ingrid!

Please let me know when you come to Japan,Osaka.
We live in XXX city.

With many thanks,


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« Coming back to Japan! | トップ | ☆馬耳塞日和☆ The 1st day♪ »

