What should I write about

ニュージーランド留学生の陽炎が英語のエッセイを練習するところです。 まだ微妙ですがだからこそ練習あるのみ!


2005-08-19 16:51:13 | my wierd words
I have TOEFL test 8;30 in the morning tomorow,..

I m not sure if I could get there before it starts. It just seems too hard to get there on time with my lazy system.

I really want to get high marks like 550 but I dont think I could this time. but I still need to try so I ll do my best!

anyway this is good I dont have anything after that. I can just have party and party! for........ 2 weeks? lol

after that I have Uni entrance exam. It will be hard. I need to study heaps and heaps so I ll be busy. but I still need to relax some weekends. If someone free and near me just ring me up and we can have fun!!! all right I m going to bed おやすみーん

just random song I wrote

2005-05-31 08:29:25 | something about Me
I still pray to God.

I feel so alone. I feel so uncomfortable about everything.
I’m board of everything. I don’t even want to stay here anymore.

I need you to see. I needs you to hear.
I have something to tell you.

Listen to me

I don’t wanna be alone all the time.
I wanna stay friend with you guys.
I need to find somewhere I can live without fear.
So I still pray to god even he ve never done anything to me.

I wanna find something I can enjoy. I wanna meet someone I can trust.
I was too young to be cool. But now It seems to be just I being idiot.

I ask you to listen. I ask you to understand.
I ll pray to you god.

Give me truth

I don’t wanna be alone all the time.
I wanna stay friend with you guys.
I need to find somewhere I can live without fear/
So I stil [ray to god even he have never done anything to me.

I try to do something I can do to make it live.
I ll keep asking you for help.
When you see me and see what s my problem is
Please help me.
I m praying to god still.

The first day at school

2005-05-02 15:42:04 | something about Me
It was awesome! I feel really happy. I was really please to see everyone i havent seen in last hollydays . All of guys at school are good good good.

I know quite alot of people now. i think everyone at school and 7th form know me.(quite well I guess) I dont know what I did but I ve just been there and haveing fun with them(sopposesed to be studying but who cares)

O h man I ve just realized I m gonna so miss NZ.

I dont wanna leave . ......

Of cause I like japan so much too. but you know?

I donno..... just wait and see I guess.

I m good as now

2005-04-29 20:29:21 | something about Me
I just thanks for everyone who had helped me to get better. I feel much better now coz I felt that I still have some good friend and they are awesome! I love you guys!!
ohh I have nothing else to say. that was pretty much it. I realized I m still growing like a kid. I wont act like adult and being just cool as parson. I feel so stupid. I wanna grow more and get stronger for everything.

~~coz we lost it all. nothing last forever. I m sorry I cant be prefect. now its just too late. nathing can go back I m sorry I cant be perfect.~~ simple plan* perfect.

Its nothing to do with that and this is the song about dad and kid relationship but I just liked that part I cant be perfect. but I still will try to be perfect. but I ll keep myself like me.

If you guys notice that I m stepping too far. just tell me I ll listen to you. you never gonna make me annoyed or anything. coz I love you guys so much!

fucking hell!!!

2005-04-26 19:56:01 | something about Me
I m just feeling really sshitty about all of crapppy things going around me. I just dont want my parents to worry about me so I just write my words in English.
People normaly hunged around in this holly day with us are just getting really shitty. Giveing me so much shit. I m about to get fucking pissed off about them.
I like them but they just acting like ass right now. fuck that.
I would call them fuckin ass holes.
I hate those fucking girls now. They are really bossy and fucked up to use all the guys. and just lead them to wrong way like keeping one parson out. I just cant really help it against all of like 5ppl. I dont know what to do. i need to think about it.
That fact really hurt me this time. I felt realy rejected and alone in the ppl.
I dont know they are having fun. I dont know I am having fun. but I just dont wanna leave them just like I can do now. coz i really want to get back my honour and parsonarity. I;d do anything to fix this shit up.!"!

haaa TOmorrow is the proper test""""!!!!!!

2005-01-18 13:58:41 | something about Me
Some people think governments should decide which classes should be taught in high school. Others think that business and industry should decide the curriculum. Still others think that parents should decide what should be taught. What is your position? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

hink that business and industry should decide the curriculum because it is the main thing that we have to do. So student can choose what job to do and just study about what they want to do. For the very little kids, I think they might need to take the same curriculum of studies about common sence to be a good man on this earth.
If the goverments decide which classes should be taught in hight school It will be not really good. The reason of that is government doesnt have any idea what the industry and business are doing and what they need to learn about it. Goveerments are the central of the country but they just need to teach what the people have to be like in that country. So that should taught by the childhood age.
Next If the parents should decide what should be taught It makes more problem in the country beacause of the relegion and the life style. In the same country the people have to be alike each other. otherwise there is no point to being together in the same country. So the study in the hight school have to teach what they need to learn in that country not just in thier family. I think the best idea of that is they can think of anybody without thinking of relegion and thier own common sence.
So my last decidion of who have to decide what to teach is the business and industry because they are fair on anytime. They actually know what they need to teach to make good worker or maneger. Students choose what they want to do and they could just find what they need to know.

Still studing.......for TOEFL

2005-01-17 13:48:57 | from TOEFL topics
Time away from work or school is important for rest and recreation. Some people like to take one long vacation of three or more weeks per year. Others like to take several shorter vacations of three or four days each. Compare the benefits of both long and short vacations. Which type do you prefer? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

I prefer to take several shorter vacations of the three or four days each. What I though about this was the fun is only fun when I m doing fun thing for first short time. If I do the fun thing long Its going to be boring. If I could have several short time of vacations I could do a lot of different things at the one time and I can enjoy and not get borld.
Firstly I want to say is when we work we have the working time which is not very fun but after that boring time we feel more fun about something fun for us. Which means after boring thing is the best time to have fun with doing fun thing. If we dont work or study we dont feel that fun for what we doing beacuse we got that for nothing. If we worked for something and we got little bit of time and chance to do fun stuff we feel really fun at that thing.
We might want to have long vacation for the lesting time or long trip. It is good too beacuse we could go somewhere far or abroad and have fun and relaxing time with our family. This program is better for the familys. maybe 3 or 4 days finished so quick and we cant feel like hollydays so for some people it might be better to have long hollydays at once.
For my last opinion I still prefer short vacations. I like to feel what I m doing and I dont want to forget what the time is. If I having long hollyday I just forget what I m doing and maybe enjoying but more likely to be doing something nothing. I need hollyday for something worth. 3 or 4 days is enough to have fun time and relax time. longer one is maybe too long for me so I just like short hollydays.

todays essay!!

2005-01-15 14:09:44 | from TOEFL topics
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is always better to speak truthfully, even if the truth may not be pleasant.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I completely disagree with that statement. It is always better to speak truthfully, even if the truth may not be pleasant. It is totally wrong. We are living together on this earth and you dont want make it so difficult, but If you speak like that you will be hated by all of other people around you.
The first reason you can not speak truthfully is that each parson has different opinions and different looks. This world is always anfair but most people dont want to talk about it because Its unpleasant. People like fair game or being fair. We can never have world like that. So If you speak truthfully, there will be a lot of aurgment and battle. Humans are very truthfull to themself but not to other people. We just dont want to have alot of problems about all difference. So then we made it called charactristic.
There is all the problems and differencese. The truth for you is wrongness for others. We never find that pleasant. We hade unplesent things, so they panish. The best thing to do is just look around and hear around, guess what people around you are thinking. Then speak up to those people. You can easily get well with those people. If you dont tell the truth, they wont know about it. They dont have any problem about that. If you want to have a problem either or fight, you can say the truth to all the people.
To sum up my opinion on this, I dont think It is a good thing to speak truthfully anytime. I think all of the people have to think about other people. people is not that parfect. There is unpleasant thinking in yourself. To tell that or not, I guess you better not. If you want to live with them and get well on them.

I m studying so much,,but this???? shit man

2005-01-13 16:27:19 | something about Me
Resources such as a plant, mineral, river, bay, or other natural feature can have an important function in a society. What is the most important natural resource or geographic feature in your country? Why is this resource or feature important? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

The most important natural feature in Japan is water. water is something to drink for the people, the most important thing for the farming, the good souse to create electricity and so on. Anyway Japanese people use wather so often. They could never live without water.
First important function of water is keeping of the living place. The natural cycle of this world needs to have plants, water, soil. People have to drink something and all of drinks are made of water. We need something to eat but When you grow some plant you need good soil and water. Soil is also important buy they cant grow without water. We use water for cleaning things up as well. People wash thier hand with water. They almost wash everything It takes so much water.
The good thing about water is that water is reuseable. So people have to clean it and take it back to the river again. There is so many people in Japan so now its kind of hard to provide all the water for all the people. but we need water so we might need to save them as well.
The most important point of keeping water is no one could live on this land without the water. Thats why the water is that important for us Japanese. We have a lot of important natural resource and geographic feature but most important is water I think because we import everything but we cannot import water. We have to take care of water because we really need water anytime.

Damn it was crap essay.......lol

this is todays one-!"

2005-01-11 11:51:54 | from TOEFL topics
I forgot the topic of this essay but I think it was like....
some people prefer to work in a small companey where they know all of their co-workers but some other people prefer to work in a big company has a thousands of co-workers. which do you prefer and why?

so----yea this is my essay

I prefer to work for a small company where they know all of their co-workers. This makes all of workers to work harder beacuse they can see all others and they know them. It means they can ask easily, they can tell them to work, and there should be in a good mood.
If you are in a big company, there is scary elderlies. You can't even know what they are doing and what is going on in your company. You just work for them and they think you are just a worker like same as computer. Bing a human is best reason of working, so they wanted to see what they are doing and wanted to talk about what they want to do. But not everyone can do that in the big company.
This is just what the parson want to work for. Is it for money? or for the social? They could always choose. Some people just want to earn a lot of money and they dont care waht they are doing but some people want to work well for their honer and pride. Where they go is what they want to do.
In my answear I prefer to work for a small company where I could know all of people working in there and I can tell them what I want to do. I dont like the relasion ship in the big company. I want to know what I am doing and want to ask what I can do.