文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The following is an article which was submitted to 2011/5/15 entitled

2017年09月22日 07時18分11秒 | 日記

The following is an article which was submitted to 2011/5/15 entitled "Mr. Masayoshi Son was talking with promoter of TRON plan, Ken Sakamura ... from Makoto Ando's Yokohama correspondence."

From http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yokohama888/e/1578ae1f795f85afc0e3888d62437d30.

Masayoshi Son had talks with Ken Sakamura, promoter of TRON plan.

"Mr. Sakamura, I understand that you will unify the compatibility of PC operability and software as well as the name of TRON's frankness you advocate, like car steering wheel and brakes ... Japan developed technology I understand the desire to spread.”

It is quite eloquence. However, he should clearly state that his intention was not to draw better conclusions through dialogue. It is not a human being that scholars should opponent.

If it does not pass through to the world if it is applicable only in Japan

"It is a single justice, although it is narrow justice, it does not pass through the world if it is applicable only in Japan, is not it just a policy of seclusion? It will be unified in nature with the standard in the flow of the world”

That "standard" is a problem. A fierce battle was spreading around this. Those that could dominate this could catch up on the next era and the world of the 21st century.

"For example, is not Microsoft's products beginning to be accepted in such a way?"

This is an obvious sophistry.

That is because at this point MS's victory has not been decided.

1989 Cancellation of TRON plan

1998 Windows' 98

According to the OS of Windows' 98, MS gains immovable status, but this conversation was nine years ago.

After all, Son, first of all there was "MS" first was not.

So TRON, whatever it is, probably had to remove it.
