文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Then, how can you explain Roosevelt's concessions to Stalin until unusual in the Yalta talks?

2018年07月17日 14時31分38秒 | 日記

The following is a monthly magazine that Japanese citizens must read: Voice This month's issue is titled ‘Yalta's Injustice Now Right, the Cause of Today's Asian Turmoil’, it is from the featured interview of Terumasa Nakanishi (Kyoto University Emeritus Professor) and Souki Watanabe (Japanese, Modern Contemporary History).

It is a special feature to be read by all Japanese including students studying history and people all over the world.

Stupid with Stalin 'roll in the hay'


In February 1945, a meeting with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, J. Stalin on the Crimean Peninsula Yalta of the Soviet territory was held with three big boys (Yalta talks).

As a secret agreement, ‘Soviet putting German prisoners into forced labor’ and ‘Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin, ceding of various interests in Manchuria to the Soviet Union’ were exchanged.

The content of the secret agreement was revealed to the American people in February 1946 of the following year, and the New York World - Telegram paper criticized the government as follows.

"The United States has done something like catching Russia with a bribe to make it participate in the fight against Jap, it was totally unnecessary, was there such a meaningless bribe so far?"  

Regarding injustice of the Yalta conflict, indeed Prime Minister Churchill was well understood.

About half a year after the end of the war in February 1946, just before the closing announcement, in the public electricity addressed by the UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs to all the diplomatic missions, the signature which promised relocation of the Japanese territory including the President Roosevelt's Kuril Islands and the Northern Territories to the Soviet Union is beyond the presidential powers of the United States, under the circumstances where the US Congress has not ratified this agreement, the Yalta Agreement It shows a deep doubt about the effectiveness of.

In other words, the British government had doubts about the legal effectiveness of the Yalta conflict from the beginning.

But as Churchill knew about it and signed it without even informing the cabinet of his country to facilitate its relationship with Roosevelt, it could be said that there was a huge problem in moral terms both in the US and the UK.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Churchill et al. In the UK begin to embrace serious concerns about the fall of the British Empire.

One of the trends born out of it was ‘Anglo-Saxonism’ that is trying to embrace the United States and maintain the hegemony of Britain. But that was also the process by which the British Empire was absorbed by Pax Americana (American dominance).

In other words, it can be said that the British Empire that tried to successfully incorporate the United States was destroyed by the United States conversely because it was going for wool and coming home shorn, it is a world historical significance in the two great wars of the 20th century.

And I think that the Yalta meeting was just the last historical moment of ‘UK sunset’.


In March 1946, about a year after the Yalta talks, Churchill said in the ‘Iron Curtain’ speech, ‘Western Democratic State, especially the United Kingdom and the United States, We must suppress the movement of the Soviet Unlimitedly Continually Spreading Power and Thought’ As I mentioned, from conservative British conspirators who knew what the result of ‘roll in the hay’ with Stalin might have come from before the great war, I thought ‘Did you notice around this time ?, stupid bastard’ It must be (laugh).


Roosevelt called Joseph Stalin, familiarly, ‘Uncle Joe’.

However, this is only a direction to appeal American friends with friendship with the Soviet Union,

However, this is only a direction to appeal American citizens with friendship with the Soviet Union, the American rulers never sold the alert to the Soviets.

Then, how can you explain Roosevelt's concessions to Stalin until unusual in the Yalta talks?

Sometimes I see the tone of Japan's conservative argument that ‘Roosevelt was brainwashed by communists’, but things are not that simple.

Although I was not as well educated as Churchill and Stalin, I think that the ability of Roosevelt was also first-rate as a strategist, such as skill to promote participation in World War II aiming at the world hegemony of the United States.


In the first place Roosevelt has no evidence of reading Communism related books.

Perhaps he has never looked at the basic literature of Marx or Lenin.

Although he is uneducated, we cannot help but think that 'it is a result it is a leading strategist', it is the difficulty of interpreting Roosevelt.


It was rather the wife Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt who was nicknamed ‘Red First Ready’ who was reading enthusiastically about Communism-related books.


I am presuming that it is that there was confidence or overestimation which can manipulate Stalin at will to Roosevelt.

In November - December 1943, Roosevelt stayed at the Soviet Embassy during the Tehran meeting where the three biggest US, UK and U.S. gathered as Yalta talks gathered.

According to a paper with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), at that time the conversation in the embassy was completely eavesdropped and how Roosevelt's judgment was dangerous and stupid in terms of security.

Roosevelt exposed the information within the administration to the Soviets as if it were ‘exposure frenzy.’

But that's why I cannot take the view that Roosevelt was being manipulated by Stalin's Communal Spy.

Conversely, as a Roosevelt, it may be that he was going to be manipulating the Soviets by letting out confidential information.

Is not it because he believed that he was a strategically advantageous position he was as unwary as possible against Stalin?

Will he without has been guarded against as that to Stalin because it believed that he was a favorable position tactically?


After all, the aim of Roosevelt is to crush the British Empire, America is to grab the hegemony of the world, Japan and Soviets were just pieces for that.

And this aim was half successful and the United States became the world hegemon after the great war.

It can be said that the Cold War was a cost for that.

Japan captured successfully but in Soviet, will the U. S. be said to be unexpectedly had a hard time?

In that sense, it is still wrong that Roosevelt was manipulated by the Soviets.

This draft continues. 


