文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

her traveling in luxury fee to Japan to create this lie report as well as her high salary

2018年09月25日 10時15分22秒 | 日記

The following is from Takayama Masayuki's book 'Takayama Masayuki criticize. How to find the hidden intention of the Asahi Newspaper'.

This book also prove that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.

It is a must not read for only Japanese citizens but also for people all over the world.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The university Princess Masako also attended school

It is deeply involved in the national character of her homeland Dutch.

They lost the treasure 's Dutch East Indies in the last great war and became poor.

The grudge is deep.

Execution of more than 200 BC class war criminals with bullshit accusations, it is the liar state which took compensation twice by threats in the back while saying ostensibly to be it does not take wartime compensation.

The second time two years after Emperor Showa the Rites of Imperial Funeral Queen Beatrix is offering

By the way, in the state funeral of the late emperor the royal family from all over the world attended, but only the Netherlands royal family was absent.

It is a royal family known for his close relationship with Princess Masako, so I do not want to do so bad things, but Maud de Boer - Buquicchio was sunk in a posture to contempt Japan below the royal family.

By the way, her traveling in luxury fee to Japan to create this lie report as well as her high salary are all issued from the UN contribution.

In the past, Japan has offered 20% 60 billion yen (now 30 billion yen). Like UNESCO, it should stop its contributions.

While Princess Masako's story comes out, Her Highness is while public activities are off, there is a UN University of Aoyama street in one of the places that has been frequently going to school.

I heard that Masako 's room is also in the building of total granite making, but here Japan attracts and its maintenance cost of nearly 70 million dollars is borne almost by Japan.

However, there are many anti-Japanese seminars by sympathizer of former vice president Mushakoji Kinhide close to North Korea, and I heard that there is a lecture sometimes by Owada Hisashi close to Soka Gakkai.

There is Indian Ramesh Thakur getting a high salary from here, he is doing line up points in a speech just to abuse Japan on the Japan Times.

Iranian women she is very fond of Naoto Kan

Once in the back room of the Arab oil-producing country, now Sudan in splitting

Once in the back room of the Arab oil-producing country, now under splitting Sudan

There is another UNITAR Hiroshima office.

The maintenance cost here is also largely borne by Japan, for example, the problem to be handled by the countries concerned is done here, such as what to do with Sudan once in the back room of the Arab oil-producing country, now under splitting.

Serving here as director, Nassrine Azimi, an Iranian woman, is still squeezing money from Japan under the name of a high-ranking advisor.

She has an abnormal personality, which she is very fond of Democratic Party Naoto Kan,

Following the Great East Japan Great Earthquake 'Why not Japan the country that was the victim of nuclear bombing adhere to nuclear power generation' 'Why not stop nuclear power plants' and continues to preach to Japan with UN staff social standing.

They are squeezing money from Japan

The Netherlands, Iran and Bulgaria are both in a failed state by half.

They cannot manage their own country they are squeezing money from Japan, trying to defuse Japan with unfounded lies and slander.

Only such a tribe acts as one’s pleases, the United Nations where more harmful Communist China has a veto.

Japan really wants to think about leaving.

(December 2015 issue)
