文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Kan took political contributions from Korean pachinko parlor came to light just before 3.11

2018年09月26日 11時45分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

To the magnitude of too much evil In June 2008, Roh Moo-hyun issued a pachinko prohibition and did a rough treatment which closes 15 thousand shops nationwide.

That matter blinks his eyes cosmetic surgery is the president.

Still there are people who cannot forget pachinko.

'There are 500,000 Koreans who come for it annually in Fukuoka', the Asahi Shimbun reported on March 3 last year reported.

90% of the pachinko parlor in Japan is managed by Korean living in Japan, the remaining 10% are Koreans in Japan Naturalization management sells 20 trillion yen per year, and some percentage is sent to Park Geun-hye, Kim Jong-un through Mindan, Chongryon.

Pachinko is not face-up gambling, but it can be cashed via a prize exchanger.

With public gambling acts, to make matters worse, it causes addiction, living is broken down, crime is also born.

Even irresponsible Korea forbidden pachinko to Japan left neglected, and that profits Korean in Japan and South and North Korea is also not satisfied with.

There was 3.11 in such a circumstance.

While Japan was saving energy and undergoing mourning, in front of the station there was a Pachinko public gambling acts with flashy illumination on.

Asahi Shimbun defending pachinko

On this occasion, Shintaro Ishihara said to kill pachinko.

It is troubled only by unemployed people playing with public assistance or Koreans with morbid dependence flying from Seoul only.

It was a good opportunity to crush it.

However, the then Kan administration declined the proposal.

Kan took political contributions from Korean pachinko parlor came to light just before 3.11.

Kan turned to advocate pachinko with his gratitude.

Such is called bribery, nevertheless, the prosecution did not have an assembling a case.

Asahi Shimbun also gave a trade paper reporter one page soon and made him a lie, 'It is because of corruption that closed the pachinko parlor in Korea'.

Further, they made professor Naoko Takiguchi of Otani University say, 'It's an industry where 300,000 people work, so it's difficult to ban in terms of employment.'

Scholars who talk to suit the convenience of the Asahi Shimbun are ugly as they look.

I got more than Kan

Because whether Kimura Tadakazu Asahi Shimbun president is getting championing here, he got more than Kan?

(March issue of 2014)


