文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is an institutional issue, so they cannot expect further expansion of domestic demand.

2017年08月21日 01時45分17秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In the economy it is very important to enrich domestic demand.

However, China is an institutional issue, so they cannot expect further expansion of domestic demand.

This is because it is important to recognize the freedom of the economy in order for the economy to develop. The economy is basically a collection of ideas. A variety of ideas gather, it is culled out among them, and a better idea remains...

That way the economy develops.

Because of China's communist regime, it cannot give freely ideas.

When expanding with a certain degree of free idea, the Chinese government will intervene soon and intercept it.

Currently, the cashless "QR code type settlement system" seems to be prevalent throughout China.

This is like a debit card, it is a system that exchanges money in an account using QR code (two dimensional bar code).

To the extent that homeless people posting twitter with begging QR code is also posted, they are calling explosive popularity in China.

However, "QR code type settlement system" will be regulated by the Chinese government or will become a hotbed of interest right.

It is the greatest problem of the Chinese economy that the institutional problem of not being rewarded with ideas is always lying.

This draft continues.
