文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was glance at the time that was a scene, but all the rest were occupied by the opposite viewpoint

2018年12月22日 09時40分35秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

However, Mr. Tanaka did not point out that.

He is one of the returnees.

He could speak English, he was a quasi-white person's consciousness beyond the Japanese people, so he fluttered white men and imitated their behavior.

This story appeared in the Asahi Shimbun.

Under the heading 'Such a Japanese, insult or reality', the article is 'The person concerned in the Japanese arguments that it does ridiculous.'

It was a glance at the time that was a scene, but all the rest were occupied by the opposite viewpoint.

Asahi Shimbun makes a representative of a certain advertising agency say, 'There are many Japanese who take group action abroad or take pictures regardless of circumstances, should be taken as facts that foreigners see.'

Even if it is wrong, even if the Japanese disdain overruns, Asahi Shimbun makes ACC, the All Japan CM broadcasting association tell, 'It is not unusual for CM to take humorous mention of other national characters.'

Stereotyping others people's scorning is' the tide of the world'.

Asahi Shimbun concludes that it is not angry even if the Japanese are made a fool of.

Italian super-luxury brand, Dolce & Gabbana, shed CM, a Chinese woman eating pizza with chopsticks.

Unlike Braathens Airlines there is no sense of incongruity.

But the Chinese were angry.

When protesting to Stefano Gabbana it was reputed ‘Chinese people are ignorant, smelly and dirty mafia’.

This also nods.

Let the child feces in the middle of Ginza.

In the Chinese residence of Kawaguchi, garbage is discarded from the window.

If three Chinese people enter the restaurant, the inside of the restaurant will be under the guard of JR.

Dolce & Gabbana draws a quiet Chinese person just by smiling can be taken favorably as well.

Asahi Shimbun also without a doubt 'Shina person should receive obediently as the fact which is reflected in the eyes of the foreigner', I thought if to say.

But it was completely different.

Holds the shoulder of the Chinese people, ‘Discrimination discriminated far from reality’, organizing a special feature on cultural aspects, full support of 'Raging, it is natural'.

Why do not you look at that warm eye for Japanese people occasionally?


