文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Chinese and the Korean Peninsula absolutely cannot behave like Japanese people.

2018年09月11日 10時03分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Country of this incorrigible aspect = people on the Korean Peninsula, a world-leading class discrimination country, the world's largest human rights violation nation, the ethnically oppressed state China together,

Repeat anti-Japanese propaganda saying that Japan is a discrimination state at the UN CERD,

They are vile enough to call themselves a scholar who would be suffering from their money trap or honey trap ...

They have various problems in their country ... There is not enough to compare with Japan and people in poor countries of discrimination are outrageous to Japan, such as being a human rights violation country etc. It is continuing to say.

I assert it here, now,

For example, in the Edo era, there are people who said Japan as a discrimination country, with the distinction of being classes of warriors’ farmers artisans and tradesmen.

Or, because there was a Buraku system in the form accompanying that, people who insisted that Japan is a discriminatory country have made a big face in Japan, with the Asahi Shimbun as the lead. China and the Korean Peninsula have continued to attack Japan for a long time after the war with this as a good material.

The Chinese and the Korean Peninsula absolutely cannot behave like Japanese people.

Because they are ethnic groups who have discriminated against workers and are still discriminating people.

However, Japan is different.

This draft continues.


