eyelash serum

latest and fashion news about eyelash serum

How to Grow Back Your Eyelashes

2017-02-18 11:18:12 | 日記
Eyelash loss can happen for a number of reasons, some perfectly normal and some a sign of serious health problems. It is normal for one or two lashes to fall out per day, because your hair is constantly renewing, but they should also grow back over time. This is considered your normal lash cycle.
If not, you may want to consult with a doctor about why you're losing eyelashes at an abnormal rate. However in the meantime there are a few things you can do to help ensure that your eyelashes grow back properly, such as changing your makeup routine and keeping your face clean and free of eyelash mites or an overgrowth of skin bacteria which are often the cause of some lashes being lost.
To regrow naturally longer eyelashes, you can take a try of li lash eyelash serum, which is an effective eyelash growth product that supports faster growth of lashes. It helps to thicken your eyelashes more than the thickness noticed after using any other eyelash serums. You can see drastic results within weeks of using lilash eyelash serum . Besides, this product is made up of 100% natural ingredients to ensure safe using
