

希羅聚銘:(第57回目)『ローマ軍常勝の秘策 -- 隊旗を敵陣に投げ込む』

2011-03-09 23:09:21 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)
(英訳: Loeb Classical Library, Benjamin Oliver Foster, 1922)


Book3, Section 69

翌日、兵役に徴集された若者が全て集まってきた。歩兵隊(500人)では 100人ごとに隊長(centurion、ケントゥーリオ)を選んだ。さらに歩兵隊ごとに二人の元老院がついた。これらの手続きは、てきぱきを行われたので、その日の内に財務官が隊旗を倉庫から持ち出してきてマルティウス広場に持ってこないといけなかった。

Omnis iuventus adfuit postero die. Cohortes sibi quaeque centuriones legerunt; bini senatores singulis cohortibus praepositi. Haec omnia adeo mature perfecta accepimus ut signa, eo ipso die a quaestoribus ex aerario prompta delataque in campum, ...

【英訳】Next day the entire body of young men appeared. The cohorts each chose their own centurions, and two senators were put in command of every cohort. We are told that all these measures were carried out so promptly that the standards were fetched from the treasury by the quaestors that very day, and being carried to the Campus Martius, ...


Book3, Section 70


In exercitu Romano cum duo consules essent potestate pari, quod saluberrimum in administratione magnarum rerum est, summa imperii concedente Agrippa penes collegam erat; et praelatus ille facilitati submittentis se comiter respondebat communicando consilia laudesque et aequando imparem sibi. In acie Quinctius dextrum cornu, Agrippa sinistrum tenuit;

【英訳】Although the two consuls were of equal authority in the Roman army, yet they made an arrangement which is extremely advantageous in the administration of important measures, by which Agrippa yielded the supreme command to his colleague. The latter, thus preferred, responded courteously to the ready self-effacement of the other by admitting him to a share in his plans and his achievements, and treating him as an equal, despite his inferiority. In the battle-line Quinctius held the right wing, Agrippa the left;

ローマでは、歩兵隊と騎兵隊がいたが、歩兵が戦闘の主力部隊であり、人数的には8割から 9割は歩兵であったようだ。それだけ、馬というのは高価であったことが分かる。従って、馬に乗る兵士、つまり騎士の社会的ランクが高く、平民よりはむしろ貴族階級に近い扱いを受けていた。時代は下ってBC1世紀のキケロはローマを代表する雄弁家であり元老院議員でもある。その彼の出身は騎士であったことからもこの見方が裏付けられる。



Book3, Section 70


in dextro plurimum laboris fuit. Ibi Agrippa, aetate viribusque ferox, cum omni parte pugnae melius rem geri quam apud se videret, arrepta signa ab signiferis ipse inferre, quaedam iacere etiam in confertos hostes coepit; cuius ignominiae metu concitati milites invasere hostem. Ita aequata ex omni parte victoria est.

【英訳】The Romans experienced most difficulty on the right; there Agrippa, young, active, and courageous, perceiving that the battle was everywhere going better than on his own front, snatched the standards from the men who bore them, and began to carry them forward himself, and even to fling some of them into the press of the enemy. The disgrace with which his soldiers were thus threatened spurred them to the attack, and the victory was extended to every part of the line.


Book3, Section 70

Ibi paucis defendentibus momentoque fusis, sine certamine in munitiones inrumpunt, praedaque ingenti compotem exercitum suis etiam rebus reciperatis quae populatione agrorum amissae erant reducunt.

【英訳】Its handful of defenders was speedily put to flight, and the Romans burst into the entrenchments without encountering resistance. The consuls led their army back to the City laden with a vast quantity of booty, as well as with the goods which they had lost by the pillage of their fields but had now recovered.

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