ヨーロッパ - スイス - テクノロジー

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イグルーホテルグシュタード - スイス Igloo-Hotel Gstaad - Switzerland

2017-01-19 16:27:46 | ビジネス

イグルーホテルグシュタード - スイス
Igloo-Hotel Gstaad - Switzerland
Igloo-Hotel Gstaad - Schweiz
Igloo-Hôtel Gstaad - Suisse


Sleep like an Eskimo


Following room categories are available:


+ Standard-Igloo
+ Romantic-Igloo
+ Romantic-Igloo Plus
+ Family Igloos
+ Romantic-Igloo Suite


Getting there:


By train to the Saanenmöser railway station, then a 5-minute walk to the station of the Saanenmöser-Saanerslochgrat gondola lift. Drive up to the mountain station. The igloo village is right next door.





Have a relaxing weekend and see you again next week.


Sepp Faessler






