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ロボット - イチゴを摘む Robot - picking strawberry

2016-10-25 14:51:54 | ビジネス

ロボット - イチゴを摘む
Robot - picking strawberry
Roboter – Erdbeeren pflücken
Robot - cueillette des fraises

Shortage of farm workers to pick strawberries:

Agrobot is a Spanish company that has developed an innovative way to pick strawberries. Their SW 6010 harvester uses cameras to analyze and select only the ripest berries. The robot reduces harvesting costs by 50% for fresh strawberries and up to 90% for industrial strawberries, which are the ones used for the manufacturing of purees and yogurts.

+ A fully automated strawberry harvester
+ One person is able to operate the machine and harvest an entire field of berries
+ Inductive sensors control the robotic arms
+ Ultrasonic sensors navigate the machine and ensure a safe distance between
robotic arms and ground
+ A camera system makes sure that only ripe berries are harvested

AGROBOT, Soluciones Robóticas Agrícolas S.L., is based in Huelva, Spain and an office will opening soon in California, USA.


Thank you for reading

Sepp Faessler

サービス - our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development.
+ Swissness.
+ Do business in Europe.

If you have any questions...


Tag: ロボ, イチゴ, 摘む, カメラシステム, ベリー, 熟し, スペイン, センサー, 不足, 農業労働者

