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2005年08月28日 | 2005



Sunday, August 28, 2005の結果
Singles - Final
(WC)J Blake (USA) d (5)F Lopez 36 75 61

Saturday, August 27, 2005の結果
Singles - Semifinals

(5)F Lopez (ESP) d (3)D Ferrer (ESP) 46 63 62
(WC)J Blake (USA) d V Hanescu (ROM) 76(4) 67(3) 61

 深慮遠謀 (5)F Lopez (ESP) d F Verdasco (ESP) 64 16 62

Q.    あなたのパパは彼(ベルダスコ)にすべてを教えたわけじゃなかったんですね。
フェリ  その通り。(笑)
(注: フェリ・パパは昔ベルダスコのコーチだった)

 誰も知らない (5)F Lopez (ESP) d (3)D Ferrer (ESP) 46 63 62

Q.    (フェレールは)転んだ後9ポイント連取しましたよね? 
フェリ   9ポイント?
Q.    はい。
フェリ  本当?
Q.    9ポイント連取です。
フェリ  それは知らなかった。

 ゴシップ ゴシゴシ!

ラファは今やテニス界有数のセックスシンボルと化したようですが、女性だけでなく男性の熱い視線も集めている気配が・・・。モヤも男女問わず人気だけど~~~ そういえば、スペインって意外と同性愛には寛容だという調査結果があったっけ・・・いや、別にだからどうってワケではありません。 
ラファは気になる女の子がいるんだけどそれがどこの誰だか秘密にしてる、という話を読んだ覚えがある。MTFのTenisProレビュー(by Jazz)にそんなこと書いてなかったっけ? それともVamosRafael.com? どこでこの話を読んだか思い出せない。。。 




ハルバティ 「検査を通らなかったということは何かを摂ったということ。」

フェデラー 「出場停止は妥当だと聞いている。これ以上は話せない。こういうことが起きるとは残念だ。」 
"Algo escuché: suspensión apropiada. No podría decir más. Es una lástima que la gente haga esto" 
"Something I listened: appropriate suspension.  It would not be able to say more.  It is a pity that the people do this. 

 動画 Maria Sharapova 'swings' by the 'Today' Plaza (MSNBC)
  シャラポワ、トークショーに出演。(右上のFREE VIDEOからどーそ。初めはCM。そのあと約5分)

 動画 Sharapova presentó su línea de fragancias (Telefe)

 動画 シャラポワ、アガシなど (ロイター)
Channels→Life!→LOAD CHANNELS(→NEXTでこれ以前の動画が見られます)
 動画 ラファ@Terra 

 Juan Vázquez Valenzuela アルゼンチン期待の星のひとり
Photo from semanario.uol.com.ar

今何才だか知らないけど、14才以下でアルゼンチンNo.1・南米No.2、チェコのプロスチョエフ(ワールドジュニアとかいう大会?)で準優勝? (個人じゃなくてチームかな?) アルゼンチン勢の決勝進出は98年以来だとか。

Spanish fly: Rafael Nadal (planetout.com)
men's tennis stands to gain legions of gay male fans, for one very good reason: a 19-year-old musclebound hottie from Mallorca, Spain, named Rafael Nadal.
And, most notably, he competes in tight Capri pants that show off his impressive assets. He also constantly calls attention to this region by frequently adjusting the wedgie his Capris give him before he serves, a habit the unofficial Web site VamosRafael.com claims is "a nervous tic he developed as a young player."
He has a great bod, he's fashion forward, he's a gentleman ... could Nadal be gay? In an interview with VamosRafael.com, he said, "I'm not interested in girlfriends. I want to succeed in tennis." Of course, in the same breath he talks about "hot girls," so it's probably still a little early to look for Rafa on Gay.com. But while the world waits and waits for the first male tennis player to come out of the closet, metrosexual Nadal will do quite well.

No Rafael Nadal for Heineken Open in January (nzherald.co.nz)
Open boss Graham Pearce understands the 19 year old has signed to play in the Sydney tournament,

Fロペスインタビュー F.LOPEZ/F. Verdasco 6-4, 1-6, 6-2 (ASAP)
Q. Your dad didn't teach him everything, all the tricks?
Q. Do you guys ever have friendly wagers on your matches; does he owe you dinner?
FELICIANO LOPEZ: Probably we are going to have dinner tonight together, yeah.

チェラ インタビュー J. BLAKE/J.I. Chela 7-6(4), 4-6, 6-3 (ASAP)

Luego del 10 quedó de 10 (Clarin)
Dominik Hrbaty dijo en Olé sobre los argentinos ("Si no pasan los exámenes significa que algo deben haber tomado"),

Fue contundente (La Nacion)
Roger Federer, el N° 1 del mundo, dijo que la suspensión a Cañas por doping es "apropiada"
 "Algo escuché: suspensión apropiada. No podría decir más. Es una lástima que la gente haga esto"

Fロペスインタビュー F. LOPEZ/D. Ferrer 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 (ASAP)
Q. Even though he's from Spain you have never played him in a professional tournament. Have you hit with him much or anything like that?
FELICIANO LOPEZ: Yeah. We, all of the Spanish guys we hit quite often because we spend our time together and we try to hit -- it's easy to hit with the Spanish guys, you see them all around, you say we hit tomorrow, okay, it's much easier for us. Because the other guys them, but you don't know them that much as the Spanish so it's easy to go with them. We go for dinner, for example, one night and we just say tomorrow we play together. So it's easy for us this way.   「例えば、ゴハン食べに行って、そこで明日一緒に練習しようかっていうことになるんだ」

El tenis nacional tiene otra promesa: el hijo de Pichuqui (hombre.uol.com.ar) 

Juan Vázquez Subcampeón Mundial en Prostejob, República Checa (idtctennis.com.ar)

Nadal makes powerful statement (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
Physical game is basis of teen's astonishing success
"His biceps are bigger than my head," cracked fellow pro Andy Roddick
But it is his physical strength that is the foundation of his talent and, incredibly, he says he has spent comparatively little time in the weight room.
"Rafa was in the middle and suddenly Toni said, `You can't be in the middle. You're not the star here.'"
That's the starting point from which Nadal's game flows. The strength to run all day and the strength to do just about anything he wants with the ball when he gets there.

Nadal's pirate pants are all the rage in the tennis world South Florida Sun-Sentinel)

American wildcard Blake beats Lopez for New Haven title (ロイター)
The 25-year-old American, whose ranking had fallen to 210 in April after 12 months blighted by injury and illness, is set to move back inside the world's top 50 on Monday.
