DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2017-12-05 23:21:23 | 日記
An article argues about the increase of the gap between rich people and poor people in human civilaization from 11 thousand years ago. This article was reported in “Nature”, that is, the scientific magazine in Britain.
貧富の差は、農耕開始とともに、拡大した。The gap between rich people and poor people increased since agriculture began.
During 2.5 thousand years since then, the pace of increase of the gap was equal in both the New World and the Old world.
そして、その後は、新大陸では、貧富の差の拡大が頭打ちとなる。And, after that, in the New Word, the gap stopped increasing.
However, in the Old World, after 5 thousand years, and after 6 thousand years since agriculture had begun, the gap between rich people and poor people still continued to increase unchangeably.
その理由は何か。Why did that happen?
The reason was that in the Old World, large animals such as horses, cattles, and camels had become livestock.
Those who could use large livestock was able to produce extremely larger quantity of grains than those who couldn’t.
Moreover, as large livestock could carry a lot of humans and burdens, and could be used at wars, those who had large livestock became the privileged classes.
In the New World, as there was no large animls that became livestock, the gap between rich people and poor people stopped increasing since 2.5 thousand years had passed from the beginning of agriculture.

①-2 さらに、言語(音声)の歴史は古く、多くの出来事・制度・歴史・物語・詩・思索・神話が、語られ・歌われ、記録者によって記憶された。これらの諸様式も文明だ。
①-3 諸集団が組織されれば、集団内の序列、また集団間の序列、貢納関係、支配・被支配関係、外交関係、さらに交易関係が成立する。これらの諸様式も文明だ。

③-2 現在、日本の全就業人口に占める第1次産業就業人口の割合は約5%、また食品製造業従業者は約1.5%だ。他にも、もちろん輸送機械製造業、運輸・通信業を含め多くの産業部門が、食糧生産に関わる。しかしその比重は、10%程度だろう。

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(1)12歳から働く:戦前、(2)幼稚園:50年前、(3)勉強しない大学生、(4) 大学院はでたけれど・・・・

2017-12-05 09:42:11 | 日記
日本では、義務教育は9年だ:小学校6年間、中学校3年間。In Japan, compulsory education is 9 years in total: 6 years in elementary school and 3 years in junior high school.
《感想》[My Impressions]
戦前、義務教育は6年だった。In the prewar years, it was 6 years.
多くの少年・少女が12歳になると社会に出て働いた。Many boys and girls went out into society and started to work when they became 12 years old.
今は少年少女が昔より幸福だ。Nowadays, they are happier than old days.

(2) 幼稚園:今と50年前
今は、子供の57%以上が幼稚園に行く。Now, more than 57% of children attend kindergarten.
《感想》[My Impressions]
しかし50年前は子供の大部分が幼稚園に行かなかった。But 50 years ago, most of them didn’t.
幼稚園に行った子供たちは、裕福か都会に住むものだった。Those who did was rich or lived in urban area.

(3) 日本の大学生は勉強しない
中学校卒業生の98%が高校に進学する。98% of junior high graduates advance to senior highschool.
59.4%で、日本は大学進学率が世界3位だ。1位韓国、2位英国に次ぐ。At 59.4%, Japan also has the world’s third highest rate of students who continue their education in college and university, ranked only after Korea and Great Britain.
《感想》[My Impressions]
残念だが、日本の大学生はアルバイトに忙しい。Regretfully, students in college or university in Japan are busy to work part-time.
彼らはほんの少ししか勉強しない。これは問題だ。They study only a little. This is problematic.

(4) 大学院はでたけれど・・・・
大学院に進学する学生の比率は、11.7%だ。(2012年)The rate of students who advance to graduate school is 11.7% (2012).
《感想》[My Impressions]
大学院を卒業しても、彼らの多くは就職できないし、大学に地位を得ることもできない。Even though they finish graduate school, many of them can’t find jobs at companies nor get positions at colleges or universities
日本は、学術・科学を大事にせず、文化国家でない。Japan doesn’t take much care of learnings and sciences. It isn’t a cultured nation.
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