


2017-07-24 22:25:51 | 日記
China opens first cinema on disputed South China Sea island

Everyone needs a bit of entertainment - even if you are on a disputed island in the South China Sea.
China this weekend opened what it called a state-of-the-art cinema hall in Sansha, a city it formed on Woody Island, the largest of the disputed Paracel Islands, from where it administers the area and has a military garrison.
中国は、最先端の映画館を、 議論になっているパーセル諸島で最大の島、ウッディアイランドに作られている三沙市に、 今週末オープンした。   
The Sansha Yinlong Cinema screened the movie The Eternity of Jiao Yulu to more than 200 residents and soldiers on its first day, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
三沙市隠龍シネマは、その初日に200人以上の居住者と軍人に、 映画「永遠の焦裕禄」を上映した、と国営新華社は報告した。
Xinhua said the new theatre would screen at least one film every day so the island's residents, estimated at about 2,000, "can enjoy films simultaneously with moviegoers across the country".
新華社は、 その新しい劇場は、少なくとも毎日1本の映画を上映するだろう、そのために約2000人と推定される、その島の居住者は、「その国を横切った映画ファンと同時に映画を楽しむことができる」、と述べた。  
The South China Morning Post added there were also plans to screen films for free on more islands within the municipality with portable digital projectors.
南華早報は、 また自治体の中のより多くの島で、 携帯デジタル映写機を使って無料で映画を上映する計画がある、と付け加えた。
The opening of the cinema is part of a plan by local authorities to establish community services on the disputed islands, the China Global TV Network said.
映画館のオープンは、 議論になっている島での、地域社会サービスを設立するための、地方当局の計画の一部である、と中国グローバルテレビネットワークは、述べた。
China's 'newest city'
In April last year, China opened a public library in Sansha, in addition to a stadium, which hosts cultural events, to enrich the lives of residents.
Sansha, which Chinese media describe as its "newest city", also has a school, police station and a court.
The news is unlikely to be well received in Vietnam or Taiwan. Both also claim the area, which has been under Beijing's control since a short war with South Vietnam in 1974.
Vietnam has repeatedly protested against China's decision to establish the administrative city.

