◯ Terrorism in Switzerland! テロへと過激化する若者 防ぐ方法は限られている

2015-01-26 07:32:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-25 08:49:05 swissinfo.ch

Terrorism in Switzerland
The way to stop the young people who become more radical is limited to terrorism.
Daniele Mariani

Sociopolitics Trouble An event Religion.

2015-01-23 11:00

80% of the Muslim who lives in Switzerland is the Balkan Peninsula and a Turkish former student. The Islam in these two areas is more moderate, and Mr. BIDENO says that it isn't political (Keystone).

80% of the Muslim who lives in Switzerland is the Balkan Peninsula and a Turkish former student. The Islam in these two areas is more moderate, and Mr. BIDENO says that it isn't political.

The voice by which I also worry about a possibility of the terrorism in Switzerland after French continuous terrorism is rising. Because there are also young people who made it more radical and went back to Syria after a voyage in Switzerland in order to carry out an Islamic crusade (jihad). But how does it become more radical? Answering that for Lorenzo who wrote a book of the terrorism and Mr. BIDENO, "It becomes more radical, the way to stop is limited.", I speak.
To participate in "Islamic nation" in many European countries, person's 30% to Syria is converted from (christianity) to Islam. In other words, they're the people rooting the society tightly, so it becomes more radical, for, if assimilation to society isn't because it doesn't work, Mr. BIDENO says.
swissinfo.ch : Swiss cormorant Eli and Maurer defense minister received French continuous terrorism, and stated that it wasn't necessary to strengthen the Swiss counter-terrorism measures. Is this a right remark?
BIDENO: A right remark. Specialists (of all over the world) expected that such terrorism in Paris happened from several months ago. A Swiss engine of counter-terrorism measures was also strengthening precaution from the front fairly. Therefore if they remark that the defense minister strengthens the measure now, the people return, and feel distrust. Switzerland is also exposed to a threat of terrorism. It's after we assume that its dangerous degree is a little lower than France and United Kingdom or USA.
swissinfo.ch : We assumed in March of last year, that 3 Iraqis were planning terrorism in Switzerland, and it was arrested. Aren't the Swiss people immersed in the illusion that Switzerland isn't a country of the 1st target of a maraud by Isramic militant?
BIDENO: I'd like to classify and think national engine of security measures and recognition to national safety here. First a national safe engine recognizes sufficiently that Switzerland is also made the aggressive target of Isramic militant.
I was a little astonished at the profile for these 3 Iraqis. The "stripling" who was dyed in the Isramic militant by which they're in the neighborhood, we were the men who receive military training and are preparing the large-scale maraud which isn't judged by other

A Swiss holds an image as "the desert island where Switzerland is happy" fairly by recognition to national safety. But this recognition is wrong.
pswissinfo.ch : is to be often argued, but a possibility that you "become more radical" by the Isramic militant is lower than France in Switzerland. Because the logic which is because a Muslim dissolves in society well here, and I assimilate. In other words, to the extent it's done when assimilating, it becomes more radical, it's said that it becomes little, but is it right?
BIDENO: I think it isn't right. When assimilation works, specialist all the members don't agree to the logic which doesn't become more radical. I belong to the party which thinks personally, the assimilation and the reciprocity which becomes more radical are thin.
That should see terrorists' profile, and is to understand. To the extent they're surprised, various. When there is a person who lives at a social corner, too, there is a person who dissolves in society perfectly, too.
swissinfo.ch : Specifically?
BIDENO: I always remember Mohammed and SADIKKU Kahn. He's a principal offender of London bombing accident in 2005. Kahn is being commended as the person who dissolved in this town most often and is meeting Queen Elizabeth by Buckingham Palace, too from Leeds city in a suburb. But, I caused terrorism in the 2 years later and disintegrated myself.
To participate in "Islamic nation" in many European countries, person's 30% to Syria is converted from (christianity) to Islam. In other words, because they're the people rooting the society tightly, it can't be said there was a problem with assimilation, and that it became more radical.
But there is a person who feels somehow that it doesn't fit nicely in the society by the personal psychological level of course. Do you say a problem of personal assimilation? A home lives in a suburb in a great city (like Paris suburb) certainly, and tends to be easy for the person who collapsed and didn't get along well by school life to make more radical. There are an excellent person from the university, a good home person and a person who is young and converts only and on the other hand, too....
In the long run that it becomes more radical, unfortunately it's the part of the society now. When the German Red Army 40 years ago was recalled, the composition members were home young people in midstream or the upper stream. They were making it more radical purely in an ideology. There was also adventurous spirit by the age which pursues its ideal as 20 years old, not because it was hopeless of the environment of the home, also it was the result which has entered into such group.
swissinfo.ch : Your, it becomes more radical, in the concerned study, in Switzerland, this, it becomes more radical, it's being stated that it's little compared with other countries. What is the reason?
BIDENO: Four are well-founded. Beca
2015-01-23 11:00

2015-01-25 08:49:05 swissinfo.ch

テロへと過激化する若者 防ぐ方法は限られている
Daniele Mariani

社会 政治 紛争 事件 宗教

スイスに住むイスラム教徒の80%はバルカン半島やトルコ出身者。この二つの地域でのイスラム教は、より穏健であり、政治的ではないと、ビデノ氏は言う (Keystone)
swissinfo.ch : フランスの連続テロを受け、スイスのウエリ・マウラー国防相はスイスのテロ対策を再強化する必要はないと述べました。これは正しい発言でしょうか?
ビデノ : 正しい発言だ。数カ月前から、(世界中の)専門家たちは、パリでのこのようなテロは起こると予想していた。スイスのテロ対策機関もかなり前から警戒を強めていた。よって、今更国防相が対策を再強化すると発言したら、国民は返って不信感を覚える。スイスもテロの脅威に晒されている。フランスやイギリス、または米国よりは、少しその危険度が低いとしてもだ。
swissinfo.ch : 昨年の3月、イラク人3人が、スイスでテロを計画していたとして逮捕されました。スイス国民は、スイスはイスラム過激派による襲撃の第1ターゲットの国ではないという幻想に浸っていませんか?
ビデノ : ここで私は、国の安全対策機関と国民の安全に対する認識を区別して考えたい。まず、国の安全機関はスイスもイスラム過激派の攻撃の対象になるということを十分認識している。

pswissinfo.ch : よく議論されることですが、スイスではイスラム過激派による「過激化」の可能性がフランスよりも低い。なぜなら、ここではイスラム教徒が社会にうまく溶け込み、同化しているからだという論理です。つまり同化すればするほど、過激化が少なくなるということですが、正しいでしょうか?
ビデノ : 正しくないと思う。同化がうまくいけば、過激化しないという論理に、専門家全員が賛成しているわけではない。私は個人的には、同化と過激化との相互性は希薄だと考える派に属している。
swissinfo.ch : 具体的には?
ビデノ : 私は、いつもモハメット・サディック・カーンのことを思い出す。彼は2005年のロンドン爆破事件の主犯だ。カーンは、郊外のリーズ市から、この町に最もよく溶け込んだ人物として表彰され、バッキンガム宮殿でエリザベス女王にも面会している。ところがその2年後にテロを起こし、自爆した。
swissinfo.ch : あなたの過激化に関する研究の中で、スイスではこの過激化が、他の国に比べ少ないと述べています。その理由は何でしょう?

ビデノ : 理由は四つある。ただどれも、そうだからスイスで過激化が全くなくなるという保証にはならないが。
swissinfo.ch  : しかしこうした過激化は、モスクでというよりインターネット上で行われるのではないでしょうか?
ビデノ : インターネットは、確かにメッセージを広めるのに役立つ。しかし、コンピューターの前に座っているからといって、過激化はしない。
swissinfo.ch  : では、どうすればこの過激化を防げるのでしょう?
ビデノ : 矛盾するようだが、実はあまり手立てがない。ただ、スイスではもう少し強制的な手段を取るべきではないかと思う。もちろん、市民の自由を奪うことなく。
Daniele Mariani, swissinfo.ch
(仏語からの翻訳・編集 里信邦子)

