◯ ○ 5 Things Not Catch FLU!! // 風邪を引かない5つの習慣

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○ 5 Things Not Catch FLU!! // 風邪を引かない5つの習慣

2016-10-20 07:41:30 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

2016-10-20 07:41:30
5 customs that I don't catch a cold




A doctor, additionally, specialist
"Doctors Me" is the medical healthcare service of questions and answers about which you can consult with a doctor, a dentist, a dietician, a counselor, a pharmacist and a veterinary directly. The popular columns a specialist writes and supervises and stories of the experiences of sickness and the symptom, etc. such as a doctor are being delivered.
Doctors Me
Seasonal... of the flu
5 customs that I don't catch a cold

Of sneezing woman headache and the throat, it's painful and exothermic, languidness, cough, runny nose and sneeze.... Aren't you disgusted for life ahead of this to be disturbed by symptoms of such cold? Well, when conventionalizing the way to repulse right now even if an invasion of the caused virus and the bacteria which destroy physical condition is stopped, and you invade, even if the symptom makes the number of times which meets with symptoms of such cold decrease sharply, and appears, it's possible to finish by a light thing.

This season the coldness will be severely and air begins to dry when. The number gets 5 customs eminently, and he worries every day, and the person disturbed by symptoms of a cold is hoping to decrease sincerely.

The back where I talked with a person and the back to which I went out?
Briskly, a gargle!

I'll acquire the habit that Young woman doing oral rinsing "doesn't put a foreign enemy such as a virus and bacteria in the interior of the body" first!

It's said that the development rate of the cold also becomes short about 40 % from the case when we assume that a water gargle is conventionalized nothing. I'll have in the mouth beautifully with GUCHUGUCHU and do by the sense to wash to the back way of the throat.

Argument is going to be divided about the effect of the mouthwash and the catechin, but when I think too much deeply, the immunity power falls by a stress conversely. Using what an important one "gargles", "The frequency often gargles." Tap water is usually enough, so change in pace also serve both, and please conventionalize a gargle.

To improve the ability.
The body temperature is raised and it's kept.

Getting it just right.. next it's about the custom that the foreign enemy who has invaded the interior of the body "is repulsed early".




When when the body temperature falls once, the immunity power decreases 30 %, and it rises once, it's said that 5-six times is also raised. The winter when the outside temperature falls also goes down nature and the body temperature. I'll recommend to utilize a stole and a muffler well so that the clothes which can keep the body temperature don't cool a throat and the heart in particular. There is an action which heats up a body for ginger, cinnamon and rosemary. 





When when the body temperature falls once, the immunity power decreases 30 %, and it rises once, it's said that 5-six times is also raised. The winter when the outside temperature falls also goes down nature and the body temperature. I'll recommend to utilize a stole and a muffler well so that the clothes which can keep the body temperature don't cool a throat and the heart in particular. There is an action which heats up a body for ginger, cinnamon and rosemary. When it's water supplement, it's also effective to heat up a body from the inside for warm herbal tea.



I often laugh and it's a desire.
I'll fill it only a little.

Gargle18a75b6bbb34b44d8ad4fc7164230c35000ab14b laugh and a smiling face make them ease a stress, and it's famous talk to raise the immunity power already. I also have the effect which activates a brain and arranges the workings of the autonomic nerve on a laugh.

And euphoria and a glow also raise the immunity power, and the self-healing power is raised. When it's overblown, it's an adverse effect. For example when a good thing is eaten too much, it leads to diabetes and overweight. Even a little can feel prosperity and let me enrich privacy with the heart which can be met, please.

The good nutritional position, retainment
The base to which I undergo metabolic change is made.

When deciding meal content, I give priority to a protein, fat matter and vitamin mineral and decide as "the material to make a cell and undergo metabolic change" first. And I decide about the intake of the carbohydrates according to the momentum of 1 day and the weight adjustment. Specifically, flesh and meat choose fish, a protein of soybeans kinds and a seasonal fruit of vegetables first. Nature, fat matter and glucide are also included during it. Plus noodles, bread kinds, cereal kinds or sheets is eaten or chosen subject to that. The protein intake of the first half part hardly changes. It changes big by the momentum of one day about carbohydrates in the second half. When putting the order of priority, I have the ingredients I make it rather my first time to have by being eaten and restricting it quite freely, and it's a fun thing.

In case of a meal, it's said that they don't take an important thing in quantities together in anything. A digestive system is burdened and the nutrition which couldn't be used up is saved as fat.

By a stretch and a massage.
Bloodstream is improved.

Young woman relaxing during back massage at the spa. When keeping a cell healthily, it's very important that a descent often goes around to every corner of a cell. When a descent doesn't go around, neither oxygen nor nutriment are carried and, it keeps being not also carried by waste and collecting, it'll be. The bloodstream is also related to gloss of skin and hair and Hari big. I'll conventionalize a self stretch and a self massage, adhere and take back the shrink




When keeping a cell healthily, it's very important that a descent often goes around to every corner of a cell. When a descent doesn't go around, neither oxygen nor nutriment are carried and, it keeps being not also carried by waste and collecting, it'll be. The bloodstream is also related to gloss of skin and hair and Hari big. I'll conventionalize a self stretch and a self massage, adhere and take back the shrinkage function of the muscle which becomes solid to make each immunity function of the cell and revival function active. The moderate movement is also effective in a poor circulation and the renewed improvement which swells and is skin of course.

Look at the palm every day and let me start 1 day from the place where I smile to get the eminent number with "NIKORI", please.

Supervision: Seiji Ikunishi (personal trainer)
Offer yuan :Doctors Me of contents



 2016-10-20 07:41:30


Doctors Me(ドクターズミー)
「Doctors Me」は、医師、歯科医、栄養士、カウンセラー、薬剤師、獣医などに直接相談できる、メディカル・ヘルスケアQ&Aサービスです。また、医師をはじめとする専門家が執筆・監修する人気コラム、病気・症状の体験談等を配信しています。
Doctors Me


sneezing woman頭痛、喉の痛み、発熱、だるさ、咳や鼻水やくしゃみ…。そんな風邪の諸症状に、このさき一生悩まされるなんてウンザリしませんか?実は、体調を崩す原因となるウィルスや細菌の侵入を防ぎ、侵入されてもすぐ撃退する方法を習慣付けておけば、そんな風邪の諸症状に見舞われる回数を激減させ、症状が現れたとしても軽いモノで済ますことが出来るのです。 

寒さが厳しくなり、空気が乾燥し始めるこの季節。5 つの習慣を指折り数えて、日々気遣い、風邪の諸症状で悩まされる人が減る事を心から祈っております。 


Young woman doing oral rinsingまず、『ウィルスや細菌など、外敵を体内に入れない』習慣をつけましょう! 




Getting it just right...次に、『体内に侵入してきた外敵を、早く撃退する』習慣についてです。 









Young woman relaxing during back massage at the spa.細胞の隅々まで血が良く巡ることは、細胞を健康に保つ上で非常に重要です。血が巡らなければ、酸素も栄養素も運ばれませんし、老廃物も運び出されず溜まる一方になります。肌や髪の毛の艶やハリにも血流は大きく関係しています。個々の細胞の免疫機能や再生機能を活発にするためにも、セルフストレッチやセルフマッサージを習慣付け、癒着して固くなっている筋肉の収縮機能を取り戻してやりましょう。勿論適度な運動も冷え性やむくみ、肌の新陳代謝の改善に効果的です。 


コンテンツ提供元:Doctors Me


