○ Brexit Loses CHN's Big Thing / コラム:英EU離脱の混乱、中国は失うものが大きいReuters

2016-07-05 07:28:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-07-05 07:28:36 Reuters

Column | for 2016 years June 30 09:04 JST.
Related topics: Top news
A column: Confusion of British EU leaving and the one deprived of China are big.

The Chinese report of media to which influence of a British plebiscite is handed down on June 28 was useful to make the Chinese people realize how voting can be risk once more mainly. But it's a serious problem that rebellion to globalization is rising in the advanced country world for China. A picture is a British national flag (the left) and a Chinese national flag. I took a picture of representation in September of last year in Beijing (2016 Reuters).
The Chinese report of media to which influence of a British plebiscite is handed down on June 28 was useful to make the Chinese people realize how voting can be risk once more mainly. But it's a serious problem that rebellion to globalization is rising in the advanced country world for China. A picture is a British national flag (the left) and a Chinese national flag. I took a picture of representation in September of last year in Beijing (2016 Reuters).

Rachel Morarjee

[Beijing 28 days Reuters BREAKINGVIEWS]- The one deprived of China from confusion on the west side is big. The same country leaders may think they would like to use the British plebiscite they ask about right or wrong of EU (EU) leaving by all means to show off the condition by which an own country becomes stable relatively.



Rachel Morarjee

[Beijing 28 days Reuters BREAKINGVIEWS]- The one deprived of China from confusion on the west side is big. The same country leaders may think they would like to use the British plebiscite they ask about right or wrong of EU (EU) leaving by all means to show off the condition by which an own country becomes stable relatively.

The Chinese report of media to which influence of a British plebiscite is handed down was useful to make the Chinese people realize how voting can be risk once more mainly. But it's a serious problem that rebellion to globalization is rising in the advanced country world for China.

That's also a reason China's supporting global economic assistance at present. When the sumomokatsu Kowakubi look is the summer Davos meeting held in Tianjin, and each country has to cooperate in a solution of an economic problem, I accentuate. I told that single economy couldn't protect itself against the threat in which I equal the whole market which connected mutually.




China is building an international relation silently. It was announced that the inside where a market in world all part fluctuates and China-led Asia infrastructure merchant bank (AIIB) approved 509,000,000 dollars of the 1st version of financing of the scale (about 52,100,000,000 yen) in a "EU leaving, party" victory in the British voting. AIIB cooperates with the World Bank and finances Indonesian poor district redevelopment. The road maintenance with which Tadzhikistan and Uzbekistan are connected is performed by cooperation financing with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

An appointment for such financial support is changing the attitude to China gradually. The enthusiasm by which China where AIIB and a new economic bloc are formed is an Asian delegation to the plan "all, directly" exceeds anxiety to tension at the South China Sea.

But prolongation of havoc in the west side, such, the match which has just started can be understood. Trade protectionism-like feeling doesn't stop at only the United Kingdom.

An American voter is falling into an isolationism-like policy of Mr. Donald Trump by whom the Republican Party candidate designation is presumed. I worry to whether even Germany where you have received big benefit by trade with China is the one which may sell Koo mosquito of an industrial robot major company in an own country (KU2G.DE) to an aesthetic group of a Chinese major company of home electronics (000333.SZ).


Therefore the volatility of the financial market where I rise is pressing a US dollar up and is giving the new pressure to the origin of people.

Chinese leaders excel in dealings with an elitist layer until they come to Sri Lanka from Venezuela but it isn't also so to calm popular anxiety down and handle a sudden political change. Such thing will be also the risk about which I should worry in a market in advanced nations in now.

* A writer is a columnist of "Reuters Breakingviews". This column is written based on writer's personal view.




2016-07-05 07:28:36 Reuters

Column 2016年 06月 30日 09:04 JST



Rachel Morarjee

[北京 28日 ロイター BREAKINGVIEWS] - 中国は西側の混乱から失うものが大きい。同国指導者らは、自国の比較的安定しているさまを誇示するために、欧州連合(EU)離脱の是非を問う英国民投票をぜひとも利用したいと考えているかもしれない。



Rachel Morarjee

[北京 28日 ロイター BREAKINGVIEWS] - 中国は西側の混乱から失うものが大きい。同国指導者らは、自国の比較的安定しているさまを誇示するために、欧州連合(EU)離脱の是非を問う英国民投票をぜひとも利用したいと考えているかもしれない。




中国は黙々と国際的な関係を築いている。英投票での「EU離脱派」勝利に世界各地の市場が動揺するなか、 中国主導のアジアインフラ投資銀行(AIIB)は5億0900万ドル(約521億円)規模の融資第1弾を承認したと発表した。AIIBは世界銀行と協力し、インドネシアの貧困地区再開発に融資する。また、タジキスタンとウズベキスタンをつなぐ道路整備は、欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD)との協調融資で行う。







*筆者は「Reuters Breakingviews」のコラムニストです。本コラムは筆者の個人的見解に基づいて書かれています。