Osaka Visiter's Guide for Foreigner

I introduce Osaka to you.

Aka bus(Red bus)

2006-03-16 21:37:48 | Living

You can get on the red bus in Osaka city. The red bus(Aka basu) is a small bus that is red. The red bus will run in a residential area where the general bus cannot be covered. Bus fares is flat rate of 100yen.

I often used this bus to go to a city hall.
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Momiji Tenpura

2006-02-28 17:55:00 | Food

Momiji tenpura is the snack which is kept maples in salt and fried. Momiji tenpura is a special product of Minou(箕面), Osaka. Minou is famous for red leaves, waterfall and monkeys.

You can buy Momiji tenpura on the way to Minou Falls. It takes about 30 minutes to go to Minou from Umeda station in Hankyu Takarazuka line. You must change trains at Ishibashi station.
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Yoshinoya--beef bowl restaurants --

2006-02-26 11:37:51 | Restaurant

Yoshinoya is very famous as beaf bowl restaurants. People call "Yoshigyu", short for Yoshinoya's beaf bowl. But now we can't eat Yoshinoya's beaf bowl because Japan suspended imports of American beef due to a BSE incident. Instead, you can eat the pork bowl or curry, etc.

The chain restaurants that you can eat the beaf bowl are Matsuya, Sukiya, Nakau and kobe Lamptei. Tastes vary by store.

I like Yoshinoya best. I can't wait.
Yoshinoya's website
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Free Internet in Osaka

2006-02-09 14:06:33 | Living

BB park is on the 1st inside Yodobashi-Umeda in Osaka. Everyone can enjoy the Internet free of charge for 60 minutes. The first time I went to here, I had to register the member with my driver's license. The clerk said, "The foreigner must bring the alien registration card to register the member". Next time, it is necessary to bring the member card.

You are not allowed to smoke in this shop. But you can buy a soft drink from a vending machine.
BB PARK website
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BB parkは、大阪のヨドバシカメラの1階にあります。60分間無料で、インターネットを楽しめます。初回は、運転免許証を提示して、メンバー登録を行いました。外国人の方は、外国人登録証がメンバー登録には必要とのことです。次回からは、メンバーカードを提示すればOKです。


Fujiya Ginza

2006-02-08 23:17:26 | Restaurant

Fujiya is a pioneer of western sweets in Japan. After the grandfather and my family had supper, we were always eating the cake here.

Peko chan doll which is under the left of this photograph is a famous character of Fjiya. Some persons stole this doll and sold it on the internet auction.
Fujiya website
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Free Internet

2006-02-06 19:05:24 | Living

Cyber Satellite World by NTT is in Umeda(Osaka). Everyone can enjoy the Internet free of charge for 15 minutes. The first time I went to here, I had to register the member with my driver's license. The clerk said, "The foreigner must bring the passport to register the member".Next time, it is necessary to bring the member card.

Cyber Satelite World Umeda
The place is the center of Diamor Osaka (underground shopping center). 3 to 5 minutes' walk from JR: Osaka Station, Hanshin/Hankyu Railways: Umeda Station, Subway: Umeda Station.
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NTTによるCyber Satellite Worldは、梅田(大阪)にあります。誰でも、15分間インターネットを楽しむことができます。初めて私がここに言った時、運転免許証を見せてメンバー登録をする必要がありました。外国人の方は、パスポートを見せてくれればメンバー登録できると店員さんが教えてくれました。



2006-02-05 20:04:23 | Signboard/Kanji

Japanese kanji "薬局(yakkyoku)" means the pharmacy. You will be able to see this kanji near the hospital.

By the way, "処方せん(shohousen)" means the prescription.
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Half price

2006-02-04 18:28:46 | Signboard/Kanji

The character "半額(hangaku)" being written in red means "half price". You can buy this meat for 490 yen. When the evening comes, I think that you can see this seal in the supermarket.

By the way, "激安(gekiyasu)" means "it's very cheap".
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2006-02-03 15:03:46 | Food

This snack is very famous, ,especially Osaka area. This is made from rice. This is a thin soy sauce taste. Because this is being fried, this snack is high in calories.

I bought this in the "SHOP99"Bonchi Corporation
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2006-02-02 18:19:17 | Restaurant

"Gozasourou" is a shop of the Imagawayaki specialty.

In this shop, Imagawayaki is sold for 70 yen each. Gozasourou has two Imagawayaki. One is red sweet bean paste and the other is white sweet bean paste. They are called "aka-an" and "shiro-an" in Japanese. Therefore, when you buy one Imagawayaki of red sweet bean paste, you should say, "aka-an wo hitotsu kudasai.(Please give one red sweet bean paste to me)".

I bought it at the first underground floor of The Hanshin Department Store in Oaka.
Gozasourou website
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