臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou The Chef

2010-08-08 | Script
Caillou the Chef

Caillou was very excited, because his friends, the twins Jason and Jeffery were coming over to play.
And they were staying for lunch.

What are we having for lunch, Mommy?
I thought you can make your own pizzas.
You can help me by washing those mushrooms.

They are here!
Hi, Jason, and hi, Jeffery.

Hi, Caillou!(x2)
We're gonna make our own lunch.
Guess what we're gonna make?

Snail Sandwiches?
Eew no!
How about Snake Soup?
I know, Spider Pie!
I've got a glow in the dark spider (which) we can eat.
Sorry Forest.
No. We're gonna make our own pizzas.
I've never made a pizza before.
Me, neither.
I have lots of times! I'll show you how. Come on!

Okay boys. Now that you've washed your hands, we're ready to start.
Here's your pizza dough.

The first thing (which) you have to do is roll your dough flat like this.
Ah, making pizzas, are we?
Did you know that I once worked in a pizzeria?


You need a lot of practice before you can do this.
You see, it's all in the wrist action.
Maybe you boys should just stick to the rolling pin.
I'd better go wash up.

What do we do now, Caillou?
Next, you put on the tomato sauce and spread it all around.
I don't like sauce much.
I like lots of sauce.
Then you sprinkle on the cheese.
I like tons of cheese.
I just want a little.
That's not the right way to make a pizza,
but now comes the most fun part.
You make a smiley face with the mushrooms.

Nah, I don't like mushrooms.
I do. I'm gonna make a spider on my pizza.
I need something to make my spider's legs with.
Well, let's see what I can find.
How about carrots?

Can I have some broccoli, please?
Broccoli? Carrot sticks? They don't go on pizzas.

Caillou was upset that the twins were making their pizzas all wrong.

Everyone can make their pizza how they like, Caillou.
Can I put my spider on, too?
No, well. I don't know about that. Let's just stick to food, okay?

Caillou imagined he was a real chef in a pizzeria.
Let's make some pizzas!
Okay, Chef Caillou.

See, Caillou. I made a spider.
And I made a fly for the spider to eat. Yam, yam yam....
They'll be ready in 30 minutes, so you boys can go and play.
I know what we can play.

Welcome to Caillou's restaurant.
Here's our menu.

Hmm. I don't know what to have.
We don't have any spiders, snakes, or snails,
but we do have pizza,
and you can have any topping (which) you want.

I'll take a dump truck on a yo-yo,
and I'll have a sock-puppet and some puzzle pieces.

That was good, but I'm still hungry, Caillou.
Boys, pizza's ready!

I'll trade you a slice of my spider for a slice of your smiley face.
Well, okay.
Mmm. The carrots make it nice and crunchy.

The three boys had a good time trying each other's pizzas.
And Caillou learned that the really is more than one way to make a pizza.

We're Cooking!
Caillou, would you like to help me cook something today?
Okay, Mommy.

We're cooking! We're cooking today!
We're cooking! I'll show you the way!
We're cooking! We're cooking today!
We're gonna bake a chocolate cake!

First we take a little flour, put it in a mixing bowl.
Add eggs, butter. sugar. milk. Stir it up well. that's the goal
Into the oven, the cake will go. Be careful 'Cause, an oven's hot.
We have to wait till the cake's done. Let's take a look at what we've got.
Now let's put the icing on. Yeah!
I think it's ready soon. Don't forget that we have to clean up.
Caillou, would you like to lick the spoon?

We're cooking! We bake the cake.
We're cooking! They're fun to make.
We're cooking! Don't get a belly-ache!
Night or day. Step right this way.
For real gourmet, it's Caillou's cafe.

We're cooking! We're cooking today! Yeah.

