臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Missing Sock

2011-11-20 | Script
Who wants to hear a story?
Is this story (that) you want me to read?
Yeah, read it, Grandma!
Let me see what it's called.
Oh, yes, it's "Caillou's missing sock"

I need socks!
Caillou found one of his favorite socks right away,
but now he needed the other one.
Caillou couldn't find his missing sock in his room,
so he decided to go and look in the laundry room.

Caillou thought the sock might be in the washing machine,
but he was too short to see.
He decided to go and fetch a chair.
Caillou tried to open the door but it just wouldn't open,
and that was a bit scary.
Mommy, Mommy!
Caillou, it's Daddy. I'm here it's okay.
Daddy, Daddy, the door won't open.
I'm gonna get you out there in no time, you'll see.
I expect (that) the door-knob fell out on your side, Caillou didn't it?
Yes, Daddy.
Well, it didn't fall out on this side, but have to turn it slowly.
It's alright, Caillou. What are you doing in here?
I'm looking for my sock.
Did you look in the laundry room?
Let's look together, okay?
Mommy brought some clothes up this morning,
maybe she dropped your sock on the stears.
I wanna see the washing machine.
Good idea! Let's take a look!
Can you see your sock?

Did I forget to close the door again? There you go (again).

There's nothing in here.
I wanna see. It's not in here.
Oh well, let's go find your another socks. Your foot must be cold.
But I want my favorite sock.
After we find your pair of socks, you can help me fix the broken door-knob if you like.

Oh-oh! (It) Looks like someone closed the door again.
Honey? Are you there? Hello?
Let's call her together, Mommy! Mommy!
Caillou didn't feel scare this time because his daddy was with him.
Oh dear, are you in there? Oh, no! The door knob came out!
Caillou's daddy explained to his Mommy how to put the door knob back in,
and soon afterwards she opened the door.
I've gotta fix this before anyone gets locked in again. I'll go and get my tool box.
What happened your sock?
I lost it.
I'd better I can put a smile on your face. Look in the basket.

Here it is!
Once Caillou had both his socks on, he helped his daddy fix the door knob,
so no-one would ever get stuck again.

