臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Kitchen

2012-06-17 | Script
Caillou's mommy was preparing a special meal for guests that were coming for supper that night.
Oh, dear! This doesn't look very smooth.
What are you doing?
I'm cooking supper for our guests tonight.
I want to cook, too.
But I wanna help!
Caillou, just wait a minute, okay?
Stand back! This is hot.
I can do it! Let me (do it)!
Well, let's see what you can help me with.
How about you wash the lettuce while I finish this?
Caillou was happy to help Mommy cook.
He wanted to show her that he was a big boy.
Look Mommy, I'm washing the lettuce. Oops!
Here, why don't you rip it up and you can dry it, okay?
Here you go, this would make it easier.
Just turn this, and spin it to dry the lettuce.
How's the soufflé coming along?
It's getting there.
I'm cooking.
I can see that.
Caillou, why don't you go play outside with Rosie now?
Let Mommy finish cooking!

There you go, Rosie.
Stay out here and play for a while, okay?
Hi, Caillou! What're you doing?
I was helping Mommy cook, but now I have to play outside.
I love to cook. Let's make up some recipes!
Okay. Let's make my pizza!
My pizza?

Well, I guess we just need to find the riding ingredients.
Let's see...

This pizza needs some cheese.
And pepperonis! We can use rocks for pepperonis.
There! All finish!
Me, too!
No, Rosie. That is no ready yet.
Right! We need to make a salad.
We can use leaves.

Now we have to wash the lettuce.
There! All done!

This soup is going to be good!
Gilbert, stand back! This is hot!
Sarah, look! This could be dessert.

Look, Mommy! We cooked a cake for dessert.
It looks delicious! Thank you!
And we brought flowers, too.
They are lovely! I have a just place for them.
They're here!

