゜・*:.。. ☆ The Little Prince with Mirei ☆ .。.:*・゜



2017-02-01 | DWE・歌詞分析について

     幼い頃から慣れ親しんできた DWEソングを道標にしたいという「母親」としての思い

長年、愛され続けている Sing Along! の歌詞に注目して、
どこまで考えられた歌詞なのか検証する作業は、私にとって とても興味深いものでした。

2013年7月から細々と始めた DWEソングの歌詞分析ですが、
2017年1月末をもって、ようやく 全131曲 完全制覇することができました。


    DWE・歌詞分析の内容一覧 ~ブルー編~
    DWE・歌詞分析の内容一覧 ~グリーン編~
    DWE・歌詞分析の内容一覧 ~ライム編~
    DWE・歌詞分析の内容一覧 ~イエロー編~

3年6か月にわたる 歌詞分析の集大成です。



【 be動詞 (過去形)】
   Good Night / You Took the Peanuts!

【 be動詞 (疑問文) 】
   What's in Your Basket? / Birthday Gifts

【 be動詞 (肯定文) 】
   Yummy, Yummy Food

【 be動詞 (否定文) 】
   What's in Your Basket?


【 仮定法・過去 】
   If I Were Tall / If I Were As Small As the Small Man / If I Had the Sorcerer's Magic Hat

【 仮定法・条件 】
   If You're Happy / The Wishing Song / Five Little Candles Burning / How Deep Is the Water? /
   If You Listen / The Thin Man / When You Are at the Zoo / Five Funny Monkeys

【 過去完了(完了・結果) 】
   Mickey the Zookeeper / Mickey's Story

【 過去形(一般動詞・規則変化) 】
   Who Did It? / Mickey the Zookeeper / Mickey's Story / Quietly, Slowly, Carefully / 
   Mickey Told the Broom / The March of the Brooms

【 過去形(一般動詞・不規則変化) 】
   Good Night / Mickey the Zookeeper / Mickey's Story / Who Took the Peanuts? ① / Who Took the Peanuts? ② /
   Quietly, Slowly, Carefully / You Took the Peanuts! / When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat / 
   Mickey Told the Broom / The March of the Brooms

【 過去形(助動詞 could) 】
   When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat

【 関係代名詞・制限用法 that(主格) 】
   The Thank You Song / The Tree in the Hole / If You Listen / The Painters' Song / 
   The Circus Train / The Knife Thrower / When You Are at the Zoo / The Different Giraffe /
   Five Funny Monkeys / Mickey the Zookeeper / Mickey's Story / The Zookeeper's Helpers

【 関係代名詞・制限用法 that(目的格) 】
   The Octopus / When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat

【 関係代名詞・制限用法 what(主格) 】
   What Does a Duck Say? / We're Packing a Picnic Basket / If I Were Tall /
   If I Were As Small As the Small Man / The Crazy Mixed-up Circus / When I Grow Up /
   When You Are at the Zoo / When You're a Detective / The Octopus / Mickey Told the Broom

【 関係代名詞・非制限用法 which(主格) 】
   Quietly, Slowly, Carefully

【 関係代名詞・制限用法 who(主格) 】
   Come One, Come All!

【 関係代名詞・制限用法 whose(所有格) 】
   The Elephant and the Mouse

【 関係代名詞・制限用法(目的格・省略型)】
   The Wishing Song / Donald's Dream / The Juggler's Jig / The Fat Lady / The Tall Man /
   The Alarm Clock Song

【 関係副詞 how 】  
   Fill Up the Bucket

【 関係副詞 where 】
   Where Is Mickey? / The Knife Thrower

【 関係副詞 why 】
   The Lion

【 冠詞 】
   The Tree in the Hole / The Fish Eats the Worm

【 間接疑問文 】
   Huey, Dewey, and Louie / Which Way? / Who Took the Peanuts? ②

【 感嘆文 】
   Huey Takes a Red Balloon / Birthday, Birthday / Scrub, Scrub, Scrub / When the Sky Is Blue /
   The Knife Thrower / The Crazy Mixed-up Circus / A Very Strange Mystery

【 疑問詞 how 】
   The Introduction Song / Let's Have a Birthday Party / How Old Are You? / Let's Go on a Picnic /
   Sitting in a Little Boat / How Deep Is the Water? / Fill Up the Bucket / A Very Strange Mystery

【 疑問詞 what 】
   What's Your Name? / What's in Your Basket? / Mickey Magician / What Does a Duck Say? /
   Ticktock / Birthday Gifts / We're Packing a Picnic Basket

【 疑問詞 where 】
   Where Is Mickey? / Mickey and His Friends / Where Is Your Right Hand? / Look at All the People! / 
   The Disappearing Cat / A Very Strange Mystery

【 疑問詞 which 】
   Huey, Dewey, and Louie / Which Way?

【 疑問詞 who 】
   Who Did It? / Who Took the Peanuts? ① / Who Took the Peanuts? ②

【 疑問詞 why 】
   Look at All the People!

【 現在完了(完了) 】
   The ABC Song / The Painters' Song / Good Night

【 現在進行形 】 
   Goofy Is Sleeping in a Red Bed / Huey Is Sitting at the Table / Where Is Mickey? /
   The Wishing Song / Look up! The Sun Is Shining / We're Packing a Picnic Basket / 
   Sitting in a Little Boat / We're Hiking Through the Woods / Clean-Up Time / 
   The Painters' Song / The Circus Train / Look at All the People! / The Circus Band /
   What Should I Buy? / The Crazy Mixed-up Circus / The Rooster's Song / 
   Good Night / Magic Is Easy


【 最上級 -est 】
   The Tree in the Hole / The Juggler's Jig / The Fat Lady / The Tall Man / Magic Is Easy

【 3人称単数・現在形 】
   Pluto's Song / Mickey Magician / The Spelling Song / Huey, Dewey, and Louie /
   Huey Takes a Red Balloon / What Does a Duck Say? / Ticktock / Mickey Mouse's House /
   When Pluto Is Happy / Balloons / I Like My Rooster / The Fish Eats the Worm / 
   The Hippopotamus / Bongo the Circus Bear / The Lion Tamer / The Juggler's Jig /
   The Tiger / Mickey the Zookeeper / The Octopus

【 3人称単数・現在形の疑問文(does)】
   What Does a Duck Say? / How Deep Is the Water? / The Zebra

【 3人称単数・現在形の否定文(doesn't)】
   The Octopus

【 使役動詞 make 】
   The Lion Tamer / Clowns / Quietly, Slowly, Carefully

【 指示代名詞 】
   This Was a Wonderful Picnic

【 助動詞 can 】
   How Deep Is the Water? / Look at Me! / Skip Through the Field / Eyes and Ears /
   The Acrobats / Hey, Mr. Strongman! /  Who Took the Peanuts? ②

【 助動詞 could 】
   When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat

【 助動詞 might 】
   The Disappearing Cat / The Small Man / The Alarm Clock Song / 
   The Zebra / When You're a Detective

【 助動詞 shall 】
   Taking Turns

【 助動詞 should 】
   Which Way? / What Should I Buy? / The Hippopotamus / The Crazy Mixed-up Circus /
   When You Are at the Zoo

【 助動詞 will 】
   Let's Have a Birthday Party / Taking Turns / The Wishing Song / Mickey and His Friends /
   Let's Go on a Picnic / Lazy Gus / We're Going to Plant a Tree / Sitting in a Little Boat /
   Jump -- Splash! -- Into the Water / How Deep Is the Water? / Twigs and Branches, Twigs and Logs /
   Cover Your Eyes / Scrub, Scrub, Scrub / Clean-Up Time / Hush! Hush! / The Baseball Song /
   Bongo the Circus Bear / The Alarm Clock Song / When You Are at the Zoo / Good Night /
   When You're a Detective / Who Took the Peanuts? ① / Magic Is Easy

【 助動詞 will の否定形 won't 】
   Now That I Have this Magic Hat / Magic Is Easy

【 序数詞 】
   The Circus Train

【 数詞 】
   Let's Have a Birthday Party / Ten Little Candles

【 接続詞 as 】
   Riding Down a Country Road / Skip Through the Field / Bongo the Circus Bear /
   The Lovely Ladies on Beautiful Horses

【 接続詞 because 】
   Huey, Dewey, and Louie / When Pluto Is Happy / Lazy Gus /  Donald's Dream / 
   The Fat Lady / The Elephant and the Mouse / The Different Giraffe

【 接続詞 that 】
   The Lion

【 接続詞 when 】
   Taking Turns / When Pluto Is Happy / Sitting in a Little Boat / How Deep Is the Water? /
   Twigs and Branches, Twigs and Logs / Cover Your Eyes / When the Sky Is Blue / The Thin Man /
   The Knife Thrower / Every Morning / When I Grow Up / When You Are at the Zoo / The Lion /
   The Tiger / When You're a Baby Kangaroo / Good Night / When You're a Detective / 
   When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat / Magic Is Easy

【 接続詞 while 】
   Clean-Up Time / The Juggler's Jig 

【 前置詞・前置詞句 】
   Look! Where? Over There! / Around and Around / The Tree in the Hole / Hey, Mr. Strongman!

【 前置詞 with(付帯状況) 】


【 代動詞 do 】
   Who Did It?

【 単数形・複数形 】
   Mickey Magician / Let's Have a Birthday Party / Ten Little Candles /
   Yummy, Yummy Food

【 倒置法 】
   What's in Your Basket? / Mickey Magician / Around and Around / Up, Down / Ticktock /
   Where Is Mickey? / Mickey and His Friends / Let's Go on a Picnic / Away from the City /
   Riding Down a Country Road / Jump -- Splash! -- Into the Water / The Painters' Song /
   The Circus Train / The Circus Band / Bongo the Circus Bear / 
   The Thin Man / The March of the Brooms

【 同等比較 as ~ as 】 
   Flour, Sugar, Milk, and Butter / The Thin Man / If I Were As Small As the Small Man /
   The Elephant and the Mouse / The Zookeeper's Helpers

【 動名詞 】
   Flour, Sugar, Milk, and Butter / Taking Turns / Let's Go on a Picnic / Donald's Dream /
   When the Sky Is Blue / The March of the Brooms


【 比較級 -er 】
   Around and Around / How Old Are You? / Donald's Dream / The Baseball Song / 
   The Hippopotamus / The Fat Lady / The Tall Man / If I Were As Small As the Small Man

【 複合関係代名詞 whatever 】
   Five Funny Monkeys / When You're a Baby Kangaroo

【 複合関係代名詞 whoever 】
   When You're a Baby Kangaroo

【 複合関係副詞 whenever 】
   When You're a Baby Kangaroo

【 複合関係副詞 wherever 】
   When You're a Baby Kangaroo

【 副詞 】
   Quietly, Slowly, Carefully

【 副詞(頻度を表す表現) 】 
   The Disappearing Cat / The Knife Thrower / When You Are at the Zoo / Mickey's Work Song

【 不可算名詞 】
   Let's Have a Birthday Party / Ten Little Candles / Birthday Cake Is Good

【 不定詞・名詞的用法「~すること」 】 
   The Introduction Song / Huey Takes a Red Balloon / Taking Turns /
   The Wishing Song / Birthday Cake Is Good / Lazy Gus / The Circus Band /
   The Hippopotamus / When I Grow Up / Quietly, Slowly, Carefully / The Octopus /
   The Zookeeper's Helpers / The March of the Brooms

【 不定詞・形容詞的用法「~するための」 】
   Birthday, Birthday / Let's Have a Birthday Party / Sitting in a Little Boat /
   The Painters' Song / What Should I Buy? / The Knife Thrower / The Rooster's Song /
   The Alarm Clock Song / Mickey's Work Song / Magic Is Easy

【 不定詞・副詞的用法「~するために」「~して」 】
   Ooo, Ooo, Ooo / This Was a Wonderful Picnic / The Lion / Mickey the Zookeeper / 
   Mickey's Story / The Zookeeper's Helpers

【 不定代名詞 no one 】
   Ooo, Ooo, Ooo / A Very Strange Mystery

【 分詞・限定用法 】 
   Ten Little Candles / Five Little Candles Burning / Birthday Gifts / Hush! Hush! /
   Look at All the People! / The Dancing Bears / The Zebra

【 分詞構文・時「~するとき」 】
   Sitting in a Little Boat

【 分詞構文・付帯状況「~しながら」 】
   Huey Is Sitting at the Table / Sitting in a Little Boat / Hush! Hush! /
   The Lovely Ladies on Beautiful Horses


【 未来形 be about to ~ 】
   Step Right Up!

【 未来形 be going to ~ 】
   We're Going to Plant a Tree / The Painters' Song / The Alarm Clock Song

【 命令文 】
   What's in Your Basket? / Look! Where? Over There! / Up, Down / Clap Your Hands! /
   Birthday, Birthday / Taking Turns / Where Is Mickey? / If You're Happy / The Wishing Song /
   Birthday Cake Is Good / Birthday Gifts / Mickey and His Friends / Look up! The Sun Is Shining /
   Riding Down a Country Road / Where Is Your Right Hand? / Jump -- Splash! -- Into the Water /
   Look at Me! / Keep On Climbing / Skip Through the Field / If You Listen /
   Twigs and Branches, Twigs and Logs / Fill Up the Bucket / Cover Your Eyes / Scrub, Scrub, Scrub /
   Clean-Up Time / Hush! Hush! / Pull, Pull, Pull the Rope / When the Sky Is Blue / 
   The Painters' Song / Look at All the People! / The Circus Band / Step Right Up! / Clowns /
   Come One, Come All! / The Tall Man / The Rooster's Song / The Alarm Clock Song / 
   The Lion / Good Night  / A Very Strange Mystery / Mickey Told the Broom / The March of the Brooms


【 All +主語+ do is 】
   Mickey's Work Song / Now That I Have this Magic Hat

【 could have + 過去分詞 】
   Who Took the Peanuts? ②

【 have to ~ 】
   If I Had the Sorcerer's Magic Hat / Now That I Have this Magic Hat / Magic Is Easy

【 none of ~ 】
   Bongo the Circus Bear

【 not A, but B 】
   Goofy Is Sleeping in a Red Bed

【 Now that 構文 】 
   This Was a Wonderful Picnic / Now That I Have this Magic Hat

【 one of ~ 】
   Five Funny Monkeys

【 so ~ that 構文 】
   The Fat Lady / The Thin Man / The Tall Man / The Small Man

【 tell + 人 + 不定詞 「(人)に~するように言う」 】
   Mickey Told the Broom

【 There is / are 構文 】
   Ten Little Candles / Taking Turns / Birthday Gifts / Mickey and His Friends /
   Look up! The Sun Is Shining / The Tree in the Hole / What Should I Buy? / The Hippopotamus /
   The Elephant and the Mouse / The Rooster's Song / The Different Giraffe / The March of the Brooms

【 勧誘表現 Won't you ~? 】
   The ABC Song

【 勧誘表現 Let's ~ 】
   Let's Clap for Mickey / Let's Have a Birthday Party / Let's Go on a Picnic / Good Night

【 数を尋ねる表現 How many~? 】
   Let's Have a Birthday Party

【 疑問詞 + to不定詞 】
   The March of the Brooms

【 ~も…です(So do I. など) 】 
   Taking Turns / Bongo the Circus Bear / The Acrobats / Five Funny Monkeys / When You're a Baby Kangaroo

【 年齢を尋ねる表現 How old ~? 】 
   How Old Are You?

【 命令文 + and 「~しなさい、そうすれば」 】
   Twigs and Branches, Twigs and Logs / Scrub, Scrub, Scrub

【 命令文 + or 「~しなさい、さもないと」 】 
   Hush! Hush!



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2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (あこ)
2017-02-02 13:06:12
あこさん☆ (Mirei)
2017-02-02 15:38:28




