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Everyone is lonely

2017-06-03 00:13:24 | 日記
Everyone is lonely
When I am anxious
I thought alone
When I am depressed
I thought alone
When I am suffering
I do not have anyone to talk to
When I can not talk to anyone
I think that it is lonely

A young age encouraged by "songs"
I felt it was not alone.
"Song" did not keep me alone
I kept encouraging me forever
But now I do not listen to "songs"

I became one person
I was afraid of being alone.
There is no one to count on.
I do not have anyone to complain about complaints

But you know
When I am in a difficult situation, there are times when I want people to help me

But I can not talk to anyone
Nobody helps after all ...

People who always stay by my side
I wish I could stay inside this world ...

Someone who will be by my side · · ·

Everyone is lonely
People other than me feel like I have a lot of friends
If it is lonely
I feel like everyone is bullying me
If you can not talk to anyone
I feel weak when I want to die
And say, "I do not mind do not mind"
Enter a futon
In the morning
The situation has not changed, though
Let's do our best from scratch by resetting my mood
Although it might crash soon

