# 「木くずやわら、廃棄物などを原料にした『次世代バイオ燃料』」…一昔前には予算を取ることさえ難しいような研究テーマだったのに…
# 捕獲したオニヒトデの有効活用法を考えねば…
T. Tokushima, Y. Harada, O. Takahashi, Y. Senba, H. Ohashi, L.G.M. Pettersson, A. Nilsson, S. Shin.
Chemical Physics Letters, Article in Press | doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.04.077
The structure of liquid water is presently under intense debate. We summarize the historical development of the present description of water and the controversy surrounding the X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study of Wernet et al. [Ph. Wernet et al., Science 304 (2004) 995]. In order to provide further insight into the connection between X-ray spectroscopy and the structure of the hydrogen bonding network, we report new data comprising high resolution oxygen K-edge X-ray emission spectra (XES) of liquid water. We observe two distinct narrow lone-pair derived peaks, assigned, respectively, to tetrahedral and strongly distorted hydrogen-bonded species; the assignment is based on comparison with ice and gas phase spectra, temperature dependent measurements, excitation energy dependence and theoretical simulations. We estimate a 2:1 ratio between distorted and tetrahedral species at room temperature and discuss what this implies in connection to the previous XAS study and in terms of liquid water structure.# 水は最も身近でありながら最も複雑な物質の一つでもあります
# 多かれ少なかれ、毎年のように「今年の梅雨は…」てなことを言っているような気がする
# 公費で作った本は売ったらあかんわな…何のために公費を使ったか分からへん
# ソーラー・システムを地上で作っちゃったんだね…あ、ガンダムの話です…すんません
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 153, 369-397 (2008) | doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00387.x
To determine accurately the rates of late Pleistocene megafaunal loss, it is fundamentally important to have accurate taxonomic information for every species. In Australia, accurate taxonomic information is lacking for several Pleistocene groups, including the largest marsupial ever to live, Diprotodon Owen, 1838. Diprotodon taxonomy has been complicated by early nomenclatural problems and by the occurrence of two distinct size classes of individuals that do not reflect an ontogenetic series. Traditionally, the two size classes have been regarded as separate species. However, a taxonomic investigation of large samples (> 1000 teeth) of Diprotodon material from several different fossil localities in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria suggests that there is little evidence for the discrimination of more than one morphospecies. Thus, Diprotodon is here considered a monotypic genus and the single morphospecies, D. optatum Owen, 1838 is considered to have been highly sexually dimorphic. By drawing analogy with extant sexually dimorphic megaherbivores and marsupials, the large form was probably male, and the small form was probably female. Diprotodon optatum probably moved in small, gender-segregated herds, and exhibited a polygynous breeding strategy. As a single morphospecies, D. optatum had a near-continental geographical distribution, similar to that of extant megaherbivores, possibly indicating its niche as a habitat generalist.# で、でかいな…じゃぁ、袋はどんなでかいねん?
# 一応、有袋類だから、こんなに大きくなる動物でも赤ん坊は相当小さかったんだろうな
# へぇ、そういう生み方って可能なんだ
asahi.com | JAXA |
# asahi.comの記事の図は明らかにJAXAのページの図の改変だと思うんだが、その図に堂々と「The Asahi Shinbun」と書き込む神経が分からん
# 「日本呼吸器学会で17日に発表」だそうです
# ほれ、いわんこっちゃない…だから黄砂が怖くてマスクしてたんだっちゅうの
# 白熱電球が全くなくなっちゃうと、それはそれで子供たちに教えるときに困るんだが…
# そりゃ、6/12のプレスリリースの記事だもの、6/6にはソースも何もないわな
# 6/12の再掲…あらま、自前のじゃなくてESAの装置が故障してたのね…
# International Society for Stem Cell Researchの学会発表だそうな
# c-MysなしのiPS細胞のキメラマウスでも発癌や細胞死が起こってしまうんだそうな