ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★



2014-11-09 | 海外&ルーマニア・マラソン大会








1000km Balkan Charity Challenge, Day 9(5th day of running)
We are on the way from Sofia to Bucharest by running, we use the main road and I became to find many little animals. They were hit by car and lie down on the road side.

I also found many memorial tombs with photos of who had passed away by car accident on this road. Every tomb has beautiful flowers that was brought by close relatives and friends. How deep sadness they have...

Maria Cioncan, Romanian Olympic bronze medalist in Athen, also lost her life on this road on her way back from training camp in Bulgaria.
I would like to say to all drivers, don't be hurry, don't drive with over-speed, don't make tight schedule to make you sleepy. Your family are waiting for you!

(the photo is the statue of Maria Cioncan, in Cluj Napoca, her birthplace)

As for me, I could not be hurry today, because big problem has occurred on my muscle, ankle and tendon. I ran and walked 56 km to the finish line. I think I am able to manage to run just tomorrow, but I am not sure for the day after tomorrow. Two days remain.

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