ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★



2008-03-19 | 日本のいろいろ


・ マイダーリンときたら、3/21~4/4ブカレストを空けるし・・・
・ 実家の老親、心配だし・・・
・ タランちゃんに赤ちゃんが産まれそうだし・・・
・ 2年ぶりの日本の桜を見たいし・・・



The commentary of the photo:
Centrair(=Central Japan International Airport) is an airport on an artificial island in Ise Bay, within the vicinity of Nagoya, which is between Tokyo and Osaka. It is a new international airport, just two years old.

I am still in Japan as my father is in hospital.
He is over 80 years old and I am worrying about him although his condition is settled down.
And more, I need treatment by an acupuncturist (=oriental medical method).
Unfortunately I got injured with my both legs because of over-training.
I could not finish any marathon in Japan this winter.
They are much better now and I try to keep slow-jogging.
Considering these circumstances, I will return back to Romania in April.
Danny will go World Masters Indoor Championship in Clermont-Ferrand in March, after this, he will run Monaco Marathon on the last Sunday of March.
So I decided to return after he'll be back to Bucharest.
I will leave Japan for Romania on 15th of April.

thank you for your one click