


2015-11-03 00:21:00 | 社会

佐藤能啓Yoshihiro Sato医療法人 昌和会 見立病院 副院長元弘前大学教授)が筆頭著者の論文が撤回された。Expression of concern写し)が出され、撤回された。

私のブログの読者の方は覚えているかもしれませんが、別件のJAMA誌の論文にExpression of concernが出された事を紹介した事があります


 Yoshihiro Sato, Jun Iwamoto, Tomohiro Kanoko, Kei Satoh
"Amelioration of osteoporosis and hypovitaminosis D by sunlight exposure in hospitalized, elderly women with Alzheimer's disease: a randomized controlled trial" 
J. Bone Miner. Res., 20 (2005)



The above article, published online on 4 April 2005 in Wiley Online Library (, and in JBMR Volume 20, Issue 8, pages 1327–1333, together with a subsequent Expression of Concern published online in JBMR on 24 June 2015, has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the Journal Editor in Chief, Juliet Compston, and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The retraction has been agreed due to duplication of text and concerns about the underlying data to which the authors have given no satisfactory response. Dr. Sato acknowledges that his co-authors are named as such for honorary reasons and are not responsible for the content of the manuscript.


duplication of text and concerns about the underlying data to which the authors have given no satisfactory response」というのは・・・。

また「Dr. Sato acknowledges that his co-authors are named as such for honorary reasons and are not responsible for the content of the manuscript.」と公表。佐藤能啓はJun Iwamoto, Tomohiro Kanoko, Kei Satohが名誉オーサーと自白。オーサーシップ違反の不正を認めた。名誉オーサーやギフトオーサーは業績水増しのために使われる事が多いが不正逃れにも使われる手段だから、本当かは不明。同様の例は藤井善隆事件の斎藤祐司

