Luxury MinHo (Lee Min Ho Luxury Seasons)



3 コメント

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He looks so pure and innocent! (Jini)
2009-09-29 09:27:43
Emi,I always thank you for your new pictures. In the pictures, he is a boy who is so pure.
Yes! He is so lovely!! (emi)
2009-09-30 00:13:45

I read the blog of you.
It was South Korea when thinking that it was a country because English where.
Do you come for the Japanese fan meeting in November?
When it is possible to meet if coming, it is good.
Unofortunately, I can't (Jini)
2009-09-30 00:27:02
I read an ariticle on the fan meeting. As all tickets were sold out in an hour, even Japanese fans couldn't get a ticket.
