Films, Books & Booze

Things that make me happy.

In Valencia

2006-09-27 00:31:38 | Travel
Hola!! I´m in Valencia now. Just wandering about the city for today. It´s so nice. Like Nikuman-san told me, the weather here is still like summer. I made the wrong choice of clothes... Lots of sunlight and lots of spanish-speaking people. It´s so nice to be far away from the daily life and chill with Amanda!
I ate hamon serrano last night. yummy!


2006-09-24 15:59:08 | Art

秋の気配が感じらるようになりました。芸術の秋!山下洋輔を中心とした超豪華メンバーの競演するジャズコンサートに行ってきました。この日疲れ気味だった私は、前半のゆっくりしたナンバーfeaturing大貫妙子に気持ちよくなってしまい、ちょっとウトウトしてしまいました。しかし、後半は大興奮。Panja Swing オーケストラによるスタンダードナンバーの気持ちよい楽しい演奏。ジャズってこんなに楽しいものなんだ!とさらに好きになってしまいました。坂田明のサックスもすごい迫力。生はいいですねー。皆さん一人一人の演奏もすごくって、それがあわさると本当に楽しかった。アンコールは山下さんのピアノと、有名なトランペッター(名前忘れちゃった。ごめんなさい。)の「星に願いを」で締めくくり、とても心地よい余韻にひたることができました。演奏者の方たちは、楽器を持っていなければみんなただのオヤジ。でもひとたび演奏をはじめるとメチャメチャかっこよくなります。すごい人たちは本当にすごいなぁ。来月の阿佐ヶ谷Jazzストリートが待ち遠しいです。


そして、そんないい気分で水道橋駅まで歩き、途中でお茶をして帰ろうとしたその時…。あれっ。ジャケットにつけていたブローチがない!!!でももうどこで落としたのかわからない…。会場か、道か、カフェか…。Holy shit. ブダペストのアンティークショップでさんざん迷ったあげくに買った、お気に入りのバレリーナのブローチ。一体どこへ行ってしまったのでしょう。 次の日コンサート会場に問い合わせたところ、やはりないとのこと。超ショック。がっくりです。 せめて良い人が拾ってくれて、大事に使ってくれますように。切に願っています。

しかしへこんでばかりいられません。明日からスペインです。大学時代の親友の一人、アマンダが今月1ヶ月間ヴァレンシアで創作活動していると聞き、遊びに行くことにしました。今までずーーーっと行ってみたかった国、スペイン。このような形で行く機会が巡ってきて、かなり興奮しております。アマンダからこんなメールをもらいました。”Oh man, we’re going to eat so much food, and drink so much wine, we’ll remember the whole thing as a great drunken fat festival.” Oh yeah, baby, you bet! 今夜荷造りし、明朝発ちます。行ってきまーす!!Hasta luego, amigos!

Home Sweet Home

2006-09-17 15:08:59 | Others

一昨日、リニューアルした実家に遊びに行きました。外見は全く変わらないのに、ドアを開けると… 私の家じゃない…!すっかり見違えるようになりました。ビフォア&アフターに出てくるみたいな「ちょっと床を高くしてその下に収納」できる和室や、フローリングの床、システムキッチン、掃除しやすそうなトイレ、壁一面の本棚…。きれいに、おしゃれに、便利になってとても嬉しいのですが、ちょっぴりだけ寂しい気分でした。なんとなく。ここはもう私の住む場所ではないんだなと再確認。自分から出て行ったくせに。



My parents’ house has never been reformed ever since we moved in when I was 2 years old. Obviously, the interior was getting very old. My mom had been saying that they would reform the apartment once Kan-chan dies, and she really did.

I visited the renewed apartment. Although it looks the same from outside, once I opened the door, it’s totally different… Clean, stylish, convenient and new! It was exciting, but it didn’t feel like home at the same time. It was kinda sad. Of course, it’s partly because there were tons of unopened boxes everywhere. But I just felt like this is not the house that I belong to any more. (Even though I decided to move out myself...)I offered help, but couldn't much… I ended up cleaning up the scales which were unbearably dirty. Sorry, mom!

Since my dad has no sense whatsoever in interior coordinate, and my mom is not very good at it, I think I’ll have to select cute things to be placed in this new home. It’ll be fun. Wonder how this place is gonna be like. Hope that it will be comfortable for my old parents.


2006-09-14 01:31:00 | Food & Drinks
Alrighty, as requested by YJ, posting the recipe.
You know what? As I tried to translate the recipe, I realized that I’m forgetting all the cooking terms in English. Shit… Haven’t watched the food channel for 4 years. Sorry. Hope you get the idea, biatch!

***Pork and Summer Vegetable Stew, Moroccan Style (6 serving)***
1kg pork, cut in big cubes (Shoulder-Loin seems to be appropriate)
6 Small Onions
3 Eggplants (Japanese Eggplants are small, so I would say 1 ½ ~ 2 in American size)
1 ½ Zucchini
300g Kabocha Pumpkin
1 Sweet Potato
180g Carrot
1 ½Tomato
3 cloves of Garlic (smashed)
450cc of soup stock of your choice
3 laurel leaves
2 dried chili (seeds taken out)
½ tsp of cumin
2 ½ tsp of turmeric
1 pinch of saffron
½ tsp of whole black pepper (NOT grounded)
salt, pepper, oil

1. Lightly season pork with salt and pepper
2. Peel the onions. Peel eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potatoes in stripes (leaving some of the skins) and cut length-wise to proper size. (Like thin and long kinda shape) Peel carrots and cut length-wise. Cut tomatoes.
3. Heat 4 tbs of oil in a thick-bottomed, deep pot and fry pork till golden brown. Add garlic, onions, carrots. Pour soup stock and add all the spices and tomatoes. Cover with a lid and simmer for 20 min.
4. Add eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and salt to your taste and simmer for another 40min.

I think the vegetables are a bit different in different countries, so just put squash or any kinds of vegetable that you like. Onions don’t have to be small ones. I just put regular ones, cut in several pieces. Mind, eggplants and sweet potatoes are musts! If you can get Korean sweet potatoes (aren’t they similar to Japanese ones?), that’s better. American sweet potatoes are too soft and not sweet enough, i think. The secret is to add salt in early stage of cooking in step 4. That way, the stew blends well and tastes of vegetables will be profound. Bon apetit!!

大学の友人YJに、早くレシピを載せろとせっつかれました…。ので、Here we go! もりっちさんも、よければ作ってみて下さいね。A子さん、Y花さん、最初からこうすればよかったね…。あの時は全く思いつきませんでした…。

***豚肉と夏野菜のモロッコ煮 (6人分)***
豚角切り肉(肩ロースがおすすめ) 1kg
小タマネギ 6個
なす 3個
ズッキーニ 1 ½個
かぼちゃ 300g
さつまいも 1本
にんじん 180g
トマト 1 ½個
ニンニク (たたきつぶす) 3カケ
ブイヨン 450cc
ローリエ 3枚
赤唐辛子(種を抜く) 2本
クミン 小さじ ½
ターメリック 小さじ 2 ½
サフラン 1つまみ
黒粒コショウ 小さじ ½

1. 豚肉は軽く塩コショウする
2. 小タマネギは皮をむく。なす、ズッキーニ、かぼちゃ、さつまいもは縞目に皮をむき、くし形に切る。ニンジンは皮をむきくし形、トマトもくし形に切る。
3. 厚手の鍋にサラダ油大さじ4を熱して豚肉をいため、香ばしい焼き色がついたら、にんにく、小タマネギ、ニンジンを加えていため、ブイヨンを注ぎいれ、ふたをして弱火で20分間煮る。
4. なす、ズッキーニ、かぼちゃ、サツマイモを加え、塩少々で調味して40分間煮る。



2006-09-11 07:31:34 | Food & Drinks


バースデーガールとは昔一緒に住んでいて、当時たまに作っていた夏野菜のモロッコ煮を食べたいと言ってたので、それを作りました。これ、簡単ですごくおいしいんです。 モロッコつながり(?)で、クスクスサラダなど、自分が食べたいものばかりついつい作ってしまいましたが、みんなに喜んでもらえたのでよかった!


What do you do to release your stress? I try aroma therapy, swimming, long-time bath, and so on, but what works for me the most seems to be cooking. Since I live by myself now, I don’t cook like I used to. But sometimes, I take time and cook something nice, which always makes me feel good. Also, thinking about the ingredients, process and stuff sort of clears my tangles thoughts.

I had my friend’s birthday party the other day. It’s been ages since I cooked for a lot of people last time, but it was so much fun and healing. Sipping cheap Sangria, I cut up pork, vegetables and stewed them together, then the aroma of all the spices filled up my small kitchen… It was so nice. I also love drinking while cooking. Because of the empty stomach, you’ll be buzzed easily. Eating bits of the dishes-to-be and watch the finely cut vegetables. I love it! I highly recommend doing this, but watch out for knives.

The birthday girl is the one I used to live with and she requested to eat “Pork and summer vegetable stew, Moroccan style” that I sometimes made back then. It’s easy to make and delicious. I should have made it in collage years. I’m sure that friends in 248 Main St loved it…

Anyway, autumn is on its way and there will be more good food in season. I should cook properly more often and keep the peace of my mind.

Tim Burton + Matthew Bourne = Snow?

2006-09-06 19:05:26 | Art
Sorry, I haven’t been able to update for a while. Things were pretty hectic around here…

YJ, thanks for the pictures from Zach and Alisha’s wedding!! They looked very happy and it looked like a very very nice wedding party. How sweet! But, I have to say that Zach looks so old… So did Jon… It’s Jon who was in the picture with you and Zach, right? It made me realize how much time has passed since our graduation. Alisha looks the same, though. Beautiful. I liked her dress, too. Anyway, I sincerely wish that they will have a happy family with lots of kids!! Congratulations to Zach and Alisha!

Alrighty, recent event in my life. It’s last month, but I went to see a stage of Edward Scissorhands. It was made into a stage by Matthew Bourne. I just had to see it, one of my favorite movies being made into dance by a stage director that I really like.

Setting and the story was not exactly the same as the movie, but I enjoyed the difference. Stage set expressed the same atmosphere with pastel-coloured suburbia, created by Tim Burton. Costumes were very 80’s-ish and good. I enjoyed all the feelings coming from the dancers. They are alive and the feelings were alive. The relationships between people in town with Edward, among those people, and between Edward and Kim were well depicted and were carried through to the audience.

Unlike “The Nutcracker” by Matthew Bourne, Scissorhands didn’t have much dancing in it, which was a bit disappointing to me. But I guess it’s kinda hard to dance around with scissors attached.

Above all, the most moving experience was the ending. You know, when it’s over, all the dancer will gather on the stage and greet the audience. When the dancer who played Ed appeared, he raised his hands, and it snowed upon us!! For a brief moment, I felt like I was Kim. Very surprising and moving. You know how important snow is in this story? I was about to cry… I cry so easily these days… Don’t know what’s happening to me. Maybe just getting old. Anyway, this snow was of course fake. It was like some kind of bubbles. This was such a cleaver effect to end the show.

Then, I went home and saw the film once again. You know how I love this film.


映画とは少し設定等違う所もあり、とても楽しめました。ティムバートンのパステル調 Suburbiaの雰囲気はそのままに、ギュッと凝縮されたセットで、衣装も80年代っぽくてよかったです。何よりよかったのは、舞台だと生のダンサー達が表現するものがダイレクトに感じ取れる事でした。町の人たちのエドワードへの反応や、町内での微妙な人間関係、そしてエドワードとキムの恋。一味違うシザーハンズを堪能しました。


何よりも、とても感動したのがラストでした。ダンサー達が挨拶を時、エド役の人が最後に出てきて、お辞儀をし、サッと手をあげると… なんと客席に雪が降ってきたのです。 まるで自分がキムになったかのような錯覚におちいって、とてもビックリでした。映画を見た事ある人なら、この雪の意味わかりますよね? なんかウルウルしてしまいました。最近涙モロくなったのは歳のせいかしら。 この雪はもちろん偽モノで、髪や座席についたものは泡になっていました。すごかったー。
