


2018-01-09 18:23:49 | 英語特許散策

"[0018] Silicon materials(*無冠詞複数、一般)are obtained via thermic reduction of silica materials which can be achieved via a few well-studied mechanisms such as carbothermic, calciothermic, aluminothermic, and magnesiothermic reductions. Magnesiothermic reduction has garnered significant attention(注目を集めてきた)due to its relatively lower processing temperature -650 °C compared with >2000°C (carbothermic)."

"[0003] Lithium batteries(*無冠詞複数、一般)have high theoretical energy densities and specific capacities(比容量), and have therefore attracted worldwide attention(世界的な注目が集まって)for potential applications in hybrid and advanced electric vehicles and renewable energies." 

"[0003] Rechargeable batteries(*無冠詞複数、一般)have received tremendous attention(驚異的な注目を集め)in recent years(近年). Such batteries also have come to be known as "secondary batteries" or even as "storage batteries". They can be operated to store a charge, and thereafter operated to discharge the charge to provide a source of electricity to a device. In general, these type of batteries have a small number of active components, which include the electrodes (specifically the anode and the cathode), which cooperate together to perform a reversible electrochemical reaction. In general, efforts to improve the performance (e.g., the durability and efficiency) of rechargeable batteries(*既述と言えば既述だが無冠詞複数、一般)have concentrated in many instances upon the improvement of one of more of these active components."

"Lithium-ion battery technology has enjoyed a lot of attention in recent years(近年注目を集め)and provides the preferred portable battery for most electronic devices in use today. Such batteries are "secondary" or rechargeable which means they are capable of undergoing(耐えられる)multiple charge/discharge cycles. Typically lithium-ion batteries are prepared using one or more lithium electrochemical cells containing electrochemically active materials. Such cells comprise(有する)an anode (negative electrode), a cathode (positive electrode) and an electrolyte material. When a lithium-ion battery is charging(充電中), Li <+>ions de-intercalate(脱離)from the cathode and insert into(挿入される)the anode. Meanwhile charge balancing electrons(電荷平衡電子)pass from the cathode through the external circuit containing the charger and into the anode of the battery. During discharge(放電中) the same process occurs but in the opposite direction."

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