山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Niimi English Salon #141(NIEA's English Lesson #1)

2011-11-08 23:41:46 | 日記
On November 1, we had Niimi International Exchange Association's English Lesson #1(Niimi English Salon #141).

We had 28 attendatns including Niimi ALTs, regulars of Niimi English Salon, and participants of NIEA's English Lesson.

This time we learned how to introduce ourselves.

I made this original dialogue myself.

At a party

Takeshi: Excuse me, but could you pass me the dressing, please?

Mr. Douglas: Oh, here you are.

Takeshi: This is a nice party, isn’t it? Hello, my name is Takeshi Yasuda.

Mr. Douglas: Hello, my name is Brett Douglas. Nice to meet you, Takeshi.

Takeshi: Nice to meet you too. I am a college student here in Niimi.

Mr. Douglas: I am a diplomat at the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo.

Takeshi: How long have you been in Japan?

Mr. Douglas: I have been in Japan for about a year now.

Takeshi: How do you like (living in) Japan?

Mr. Douglas: I like it very much. I especially like the friendly people and the beautiful nature here.

I had a similar situation at the US Independence Day Party when I was a college student volunteering for Kanagawa Students' Guide Federetion.

I met a diplomat of New Zealand Embassy at the party.

I divided the class into 6 groups for self introduction practice.

We had fun lerning English.
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