


2013-03-20 10:53:40 | Telegraph (UK)

British woman 'screamed for help for an hour during attempted Indian sex attack'
By Dean Nelson, New Delhi
Telegraph: 8:00PM GMT 19 Mar 2013
A British woman backpacking across India has told how she screamed for help for more than an hour before jumping from her second floor window to escape a hotel manager who she claims tried to sexually assault her.


The 32-year-old from Greenwich, London, spoke as the Indian parliament passed a tough new anti-rape law in the wake of the gang-rape and murder of a student last December.


She told police she was due to leave the Agra Mahal hotel, near the Taj Mahal, on Tuesday morning for Jaipur, when the manager knocked on her door at 3.45am, and said he wanted to give her an oil massage and a shower.


"I refused and asked him to leave but he was insistent," she said. "I had to push him out with the door, and then I bolted the door. He remained outside my door trying to get in with his keys until 5am. I was shouting at him to stop harassing me, I told him I wanted him to go.


"I was too scared to leave my room as he was waiting outside. I was kicking the door and shouting for help but no one came," she said in a police statement, a copy of which was read to The Daily Telegraph by a senior officer.


After 45 minutes, a second voice, believed to be that of the hotel's security guard, joined the manager outside her room calling for her to unlock the door. "I shouted at them to stop harassing me but it continued," she said.


At 5am, the woman, who is now under police guard, escaped from a second-floor balcony by jumping more than 15 feet to another balcony below, narrowly avoiding falling more than 30 feet to the ground.


"I ran into the road but no one would stop," she said, until an autorickshaw driver eventually slowed for her. "I begged him to take me to the tourist police station. A man approached him and tried to make him bring me back to the hotel. So I jumped out of the rickshaw and ran some more. The driver caught up with me and said he understood and took me to the police station."


The hotel manager, Sachin Johan, and his guard were later arrested and could be jailed for seven years for sexual harassment if convicted. Both men deny the charge. Mr Johan told police he was simply knocking to wake the woman for her rickshaw ride to the train station.

ホテルの支配人、Sachin Johanと警備員はその後逮捕され、有罪判決を受ければ懲役7年の刑に服す可能性があります。

Under the new legislation, rapists will face a minimum sentence of 20 years, while they will incur the death penalty if a victim dies or is left in a vegetative state. A rapist faces seven to 10 years in jail under existing legislation.


The bill was passed against a backdrop of unrelenting reports of gang rapes which have put India's politicians under pressure to tackle sexual violence against women.


The attack on the 23-year-old student on a bus in Delhi, which provoked nationwide outrage, as well as the gang-rape of a Swiss tourist cycling in Madhya Pradesh, Central India, with her husband, have heightened fears among women and intensified demands for greater safety.


Women's rights campaigner Ranjana Kumari said the backpacker's decision to jump from her window reflected the "environment of fear" in India now.

女性の人権活動家、Ranjana Kumari氏は、窓から飛び降りるという英国人バックパッカーの決断は、今のインドの「不安の環境」を反映していると言いました。

"It is a really sad statement on the insecurity of women in this country. It is becoming a fear psychosis. And it will only change when people are being arrested and punished. she must have read about what happened to this woman in Madhya Pradesh.


"She had a sense, women know, and I'm sure she knew what he intended. she tried to protect herself and I can understand that because there is a whole environment of fear in the country."



