


2013-03-25 21:32:18 | Telegraph (UK)

Hong Kong rules against Filipino maid residency
Telegraph: 11:27AM GMT 25 Mar 2013
Hong Kong's highest court has ruled against granting residency to two Filipino maids in a landmark decision, dashing the hopes of several hundred thousand other domestic helpers ever gaining permanent residency.


Five judges on the Court of Final Appeal ruled unanimously that Evangeline Banao Vallejos and Daniel Domingo would not be allowed to settle permanently in Hong Kong after residing here for over seven years, a period that would ordinarily qualify foreigners to become permanent residents under the constitution.

最高裁の裁判官5人は全会一致で、既に7年間香港に居住するEvangeline Banao VallejosとDaniel Domingoに香港永住許可は認めないとの判決を下しました。

The court ruled that maids should not be treated as "ordinarily resident" in the financial hub given contracts that tied them to finite stints of temporary employment.


"The nature of foreign domestic helpers' residence in Hong Kong is highly restrictive," the judgment stated. "The foreign domestic helper is obliged to return to the country of origin at the end of the contract and is told from the outset that admission is not for the purposes of settlement."


The controversial legal battle had over the past few years split the city over whether 286,000 of the city's domestic helpers, largely from the Philippines and Indonesia, but also other countries like Nepal, India and Pakistan should be entitled to residency on a par with other foreigners here.


A small group of migrant worker protesters chanted and held placards outside the historic red-brick courthouse, denouncing the ruling as institutionalised discrimination.


"Today is a very sad day for migrant workers in Hong Kong," said Eman Villanueva, the head of Filipino advocacy group United Filipinos, in Hong Kong. "It gave its judicial seal to unfair treatment and the social exclusion of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong."

「今日は香港の移民労働者にとって非常に悲しい日だ」と香港のフィリピン人の人権主張団体、United FilipinosのEman Villanueva代表は言いました。

The ruling also bars dependants of the maids from seeking residency in Hong Kong.


Critics said the economic burden of such an influx could potentially have been huge given education, housing, health care and welfare costs. One political party estimated it could cost taxpayers an extra HK$25 billion (£2.1 billion) per year.


A lower court had previously ruled the Filipino pair had the right to seek permanent residency in the city.


Edited by Chris Irvine, telegraph.co.uk


